All Code All Notes All Talks All Publications + Code + Slides + Posters

[talk] Rigorous Methods for Language Design @ Research Challenges in Computing, 2024
[talk] Lightning Talk @ VP NSF Cohort, 2024
[talk] Teaching Formal Methods with Forge @ NWU, 2024
[talk] Towards a Science of Type System Design @ CS 3020: Research Forum
[talk] Forge: Usable Model-Finding @ IETF 120, 2024
[code] FlowFPX toolkit
[talk] Little Tricky Logic @ Programming 2024
[ad] 2024 Open Source Research Experience: Measuring the Cost of Sound Gradual Types
[talk] How Profilers Can Help Navigate Type Migration @ BYU CS Grad Seminar
[talk] OOPSLA 2023 Artifacts Report (with Guillaume Baudart)
[code] FloatTracker.jl
[code] FloatTracker Examples
[talk] Towards LTLf Misconceptions
[code] LTL Instruments
[code] Static Python Redex Model
[blog] Typed--Untyped Interactions: A Comparative Analysis
[talk] Shallow and Optional Types
[talk] Fun and Games III: Summary of the Summer of #lang
[talk] Little Tricky Logic @ NJPLS
[talk] Intro to GT Research @ CS 3020: Research Forum
[code] Shallow and Optional Typed Racket
[talk] Types for Alloy: From Programming to Modeling @ CI Fellows Cohort Event (Sep '22)
[talk] Little Tricky Logic: Misconceptions in the Understanding of LTL
[talk] Hiring Talk Slides 2021-2022: Mixing Typed and Untyped Code, A Tale of Proofs, Performance, and People
[poster] CI Fellows 2020
[talk] CI Fellows Cohort Event (Feb '22)
[code] Froglet
[talk] Fun and Games 2
[talk] Thesis Defense
[note] PhD Abstracts
[prl blog] Transient for Optional and Keyword Functions
[prl blog] Transient Answers Old Questions
[talk] Shallow Typed Racket
[talk] Thesis Proposal (slides)
[pdf] Thesis Proposal
[prl blog] PRL Offsite 2019 Retrospective
[prl blog] The Typed Racket Optimizer vs. Transient
[prl blog] Complete Monitors for Gradual Types
[talk] The Typed Racket Optimizer vs. Transient
[code] Collapsible Contracts
[prl blog] Forgetful and Heedful Contracts
[prl blog] Writing a paper with Scribble
[prl blog] Java and Migratory Typing
[prl blog] Disappearing Code
[talk] Three Approaches to Gradual Typing
[talk] A Spectrum of Type Soundness and Performance
[talk] A Spectrum of Soundness and Performance
[talk] Transient Racket
[talk] Measuring Reticulated Python
[note] Example: undefined behavior in a metafunction
[note] Survey response in `Languages in Racket: A Cultural Anthropology'
[code] Reticulated Performance
[code] Gradual Typing Performance
[note] CS4500 git reference
[note] Racketeering 101
[prl blog] Sampling Gradual Typing Performance
[prl blog] PLT Redex FAQ
[prl blog] Gradual Typing Across the Spectrum, part II
[prl blog] Quotes and Stories from 'Turing 50'
[prl blog] Type Tailoring
[prl blog] Building a Website with Scribble
[note] Soft Typing
[prl blog] Languages as Dotfiles
[note] Datalog for Static Analysis
[note] ESP: Path-Sensitive Verification
[note] The IFDS framework
[prl blog] A Few Cores too Many
[talk] On Gradual Typing Performance
[prl blog] Tutorial: Zero to Sixty in Racket
[note] Summary: CBN, CBV, and the λ Calculus
[note] Craig Interpolation
[note] Summary: Kildall's Algorithm
[code] trivial: Observably Improved Type Checking
[talk] A Case for Sound Gradual Typing
[note] CompCert Tutorial
[talk] A #lang For All Seasons
[code] Interactive Poetry Editor
[talk] Position Paper: Performance Evaluation for Gradual Type Systems
[note] Coinduction Tutorial
[talk] Parametric Polymorphism through run-time sealing
[note] Logical Relations Tutorial
[code] zordoz: Racket Bytecode Explorer
[code] Java Corpus
[talk] Materials and Shapes
[code] OCaml Command Line Interface
[talk] From Parametricity to Conservation Laws
[talk] Full Reductions at Full Throttle
[note] Calendar Computations