J. D. de St. Germain, A. Morris, S. G. Parker, A. D. Malony, and
S. Shende. "Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah
Software Development Cycle." International Journal of
Parallel Processing, 2003 (to appear).
M. Cole and S. Parker.
"Dynamic Compilation of C++ Template Code."
Journal of Scientific Programming, 2003 (to appear).
W. Martin, E. Reinhard, P. Shirley, S. Parker, W. Thompson.
"Temporally Coherent Interactive Ray Tracing," Journal of
Graphics Tools, 2003.
S.G. Parker and J.D. de St. Germain, "Software Integration in an
Academic Environment", presentation at DOE Software Quality Forum,
S.G. Parker. "C-SAFE Uses Linux HPCC in Fire Research" Syllabus,
Technology for Higher Education, vol. 16, no. 7, Feburary
2003, 2 pages.
S. Parker. "Interactive Ray Tracing on a Supercomputer." In Practical Parallel Rendering, Alan Chalmers and Erik Reinhard,
editors, 2002.
C.R. Johnson, S.G. Parker, and D.M. Weinstein. "Component-Based
Problem Solving Environments for Large-Scale Scientific
Computing," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, 2002 14:1337-1349.
J. D. de St. Germain, A. Morris, S. G. Parker, A. D. Malony, and
S. Shende. "Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah
Software Development Cycle." International Symposium on High
Performance Computing (ISHPC-IV), May 15-17 2002.
S.G. Parker "A Component-based Architecture for Parallel
Multi-Physics PDE Simulation." International Conference on
Computational Science (ICCS2002) Workshop on PDE Software, April
21-24, 2002.
E. Reinhard, C. Hansen, S. Parker. "Interactive Ray Tracing of Time
Varying Data." EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Parallel Graphics and
Visualization 2002, September 2002.
B. Martin, S. Parker, P. Shirley and B. Thompson, "Temporally
Coherent Interactive Ray Tracing", University of Utah tech
report UUCS-01-005, May 2001.
K. Ma and S. Parker "Massively Parallel Software Rendering for
Visualizing Large-Scale Data Sets." In IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, 2001.
M. Cole and S. Parker. ,B."Dynamic Compilation of C++ Template Code."
Fourth Workshop on Parallel/High-Performance
Object-oriented Scientific Computing (POOSC'01) at the ACM Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA'01), 9 pages, October 2001.
J. McCorquodale, D. de St. Germain, S. Parker, and C.R. Johnson. "The
Uintah Parallelism Infrastructure: A Performance Evaluation on
the SGI Origin 2000.," In High Performance Computing 2001,
Seattle, March 2001.
R. Rawat, S. Parker, P. Smith, C. Johnson. "Parallelization and
integration of fire simulations in the Uintah PSE." Proceedings of the Tenth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing
for Scientific Computing, Portsmouth, Virginia, March 12-14,
Y. Livnat, S. Parker, and C.R. Johnson. "Fast isosurface
extraction methods for large imaging datasets." In Handbook of
Medical Image Processing, Isaac Bankman, Editor-in-chief, 22
pages, 2000.
C. Johnson, S. Parker, and D. Weinstein. "Large-Scale
Computational Science Applications Using the SCIRun Problem
Solving Environment", 19 pages, in Supercomputer 2000.
J. Davison de St. Germain, J. McCorquodale, S. G. Parker,
C. R. Johnson. "Uintah: A Massively Parallel Problem Solving
Environment". HPDC'00: Ninth IEEE International Symposium
on High Performance and Distributed Computing, 9 pages, August
Y. Livnat, C. D. Hansen, S. G. Parker, and C. R. Johnson.
"Isosurface extraction for large-scale data sets." In
Proceedings of Scientific Visualization - Dagstuhl 2000, Frits
Post, ed., 12 pages, 2000.
S. G. Parker, M. Miller, C. D. Hansen, and C. R. Johnson.
"Computational Steering and the SCIRun Integrated Problem Solving
Environment." In Proceedings of Scientific Visualization -
Dagstuhl `97, Hans Hagen, ed., pp. 267-276, 2000.
D. Weinstein, L. Zhukov, C. Johnson, S. Parker, R. Van Uitert,
R. MacLeod, and C. Hansen. "Interactive Source Imaging with BioPSE,"
Chicago 2000 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical
Engineering, Chicago, IL., July 2000.
C. Johnson and S. Parker. "The SCIRun parallel scientific computing
problem solving environment", extended abstract, Ninth SIAM
Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
C. Johnson, S. Parker, C. Hansen, G. Kindlmann, and Y. Livnat. Interactive Simulation and Visualization. IEEE Computer, December 1999.
C. R. Johnson and S. G. Parker. The SCIRun Problem Sovling Environment: Applications in Computational Medicine, SGI Graphics World, vol. 9, no. 9, September 1999.
C. R. Johnson and S. G. Parker. The SCIRun Problem Solving Environment: Applications in Computational Medicine, HPC Contributions to Society, 1999.
S. G. Parker. The SCIRun Problem Solving Environment and Computational Steering Software System, PhD Thesis, August 1999.
S. Parker, M. Parker. Y. Livnat, P.-P. Sloan, C. Hansen, and P. Shirley Interactive Ray Tracing for Volume Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, July-September 1999.
R. Armstrong, D. Gannon, A. Geist, K. Keahey, S. Kohn, L. McInnes, S. Parker, and B. Smolinksi. Toward a Common Component Architecture for High-Performance Scientific Computing. Proceedings of High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC) '99, 1999.
S. Parker, P. Shirley, Y. Livnat, C. Hansen, P.-P. Sloan, and M. Parker. Interacting with Gigabyte Volume Datasets on the Origin 2000. The 41st Annual Cray User's Group Conference, 1999.
B. Walter, G. Drettakis, and S. Parker Interactive Rendering Using the Render Cache. Proceedings of the 10th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 1999.
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C. Hansen and T. Udeshi and S. Parker, and P. Shirley. Parallel methods for isosurface visualization, extended abstract, Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing , 1999
C. Johnson and S. Parker. The SCIRun parallel scientific computing problem solving environment, extended abstract, Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing , 1999.
S. Parker, W. Martin, P.-P. Sloan, P. Shirley, B. Smits, and C. Hansen. Interactive Ray Tracing. Symposium on Interactive 3D Computer Graphics, 1999.
Steven Parker, Peter Shirley, Yarden Livnat, Charles Hansen, and Peter-Pike Sloan. Interactive Ray Tracing for Isosurface Rendering. IEEE Visualization '98, October 1998. Awarded "Best Paper" at IEEE Visualization '98
M. Miller, C.D. Hansen, S.G. Parker, and C.R. Johnson. Simulation Steering with SCIRun in a distributed memory environment. Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-7), July, 1998 (poster presentation).
C.R. Johnson and S.G. Parker. Slides and Videos, Permanent Research Archives, Smithsonian Museum of American History, 1998.
S.G. Parker, M. Miller, C.D. Hansen, and C.R. Johnson. An integrated problem solving environment: The SCIRun computational steering system. 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-31), volume VII, pp. 147-156, Jan. 1998.
C. R. Johnson, D. McAllister, P. P. Sloan, and S. G. Parker. Computer Graphics, MicroSoft Encarta CD ROM, 1997.
S.G. Parker, D.M. Weinstein, and C.R. Johnson. The SCIRun computational steering software system. Modern Software Tools in Scientific Computing, pp. 1-40, 1997. edited by E. Arge, A. M. Bruaset and H. P. Langtangen. Birkhauser Press.
S.G. Parker, D. Beazley, and C.R. Johnson. Computational steering software systems and strategies. IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, volume 4, number 4, pp. 50-59, 1997.
S.G. Parker and C.R. Johnson. SCIRun: Applying interactive computer graphics to scientific problems. SIGGRAPH 96, 1996 (applications demonstration).
C.R. Johnson and S.G. Parker. Applications in Computational Medicine using SCIRun: A Computational Steering Programming Environment. H.W. Meuer, ed., pp. 2-19, Supercomputer '95, 1995.
S.G. Parker and C.R. Johnson. SCIRun: A Scientific Programming Environment for Computational Steering. Supercomputing '95, 1995.
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C.R. Johnson and S.G. Parker. A computational steering model applied to problems in medicine. Supercomputing 1994, pp. 540-549, IEEE Press, 1994.
D.M. Weinstein, S.G. Parker, and C.R. Johnson. A physically based mesh generation algorithm: Applications in computational medicine. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 16th Annual International Conference, IEEE Press, pp. 718-719, 1994.
S.G. Parker, D.M. Weinstein, and C.R. Johnson. A morphing algorithm for generating near optimal grids: Applications in computational medicine. University of Utah Technical Report, UUCS-94-014, 1994.
S. G. Parker and C.R. Johnson. Interactive manipulation of contour data using the Layers program - user guide. University of Utah Technical Report, UUCS-94-014, 1994.