Mike Kirby
School of Computing

    Research    Teaching    Publications    Students     Personal    Google Profile


        My research focus is on large-scale scientific computing and visualization, with an emphasis on the scientific cycle of mathematical modeling, computation, visualization, evaluation, and understanding.  My primary research interests are:
  • Scientific and Data Computing
  • Physics-Informed Machine Learning
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • High-Order Methods: Algorithm Development and Applications
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Concurrent Programming: Verification and Applications
  • High Performance Computing
        Current Roles:
        Former Roles:

        Contact Information:

            Professor Mike Kirby
            School of Computing
            University of Utah
            72 S. Central Campus Drive
            3750 Warnock Engineering Building
            Salt Lake City, UT 84112

            Office Location:  Warnock Engineering Building (WEB) 3602

            Office Number: 801-585-3421  
            Fax Number:  801-585-6513
            Email: kirby [at] cs.utah.edu

    Last Updated: 09/04/24