GREAT Summer Camp
Welcome to the 2018 GREAT Camp Season!
This is our 10th anniversary - thank you for all your support helping us grow from a small summer program for 30 middle school students to the vibrant STEM community we are today. We love seeing the enthusiasm of these students!
Camp Overview
The GREAT (Graphics and Robotics Exploration with Amazing Technology) summer camps are aimed at students who want to unleash their creativity while learning about computer graphics, robotics and programming by making games, animations, and robots.These engineering summer camps will be held in the Warnock Engineering building (WEB) and Merrill Engineering Building (MEB) on the University of Utah campus.
We have a number of programs available (please see the "Dates" tab for calendar and pricing information). Additional information is available by contacting the camp Director, David Johnson, at or 801-585-1726.
It is easier for me to quickly respond to emails, and an email allows me to make sure I have correct names and dates, for example, when you are requesting a transfer. You are encouraged to email me at
for routine requests and questions.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
The generous support of our sponsors allows the camps to offer a limited number of need-based financial aid scholarships. Please contact David Johnson at for more information. In general, families that qualify for free or reduced-price school lunches are considered to be 'need-based'. Please be prepared to provide documentation as needed. I will not know about scholarship availability until the end of March.We are going to try to make balanced offers of scholarships to boy and girl applicants. Please be aware that your own requests and decisions impact this balance.
University of Utah Staff and Faculty
Unfortunately, we do not offer a specific discount for U employees.
See the Dates tab or the Registration link for details on when each camp is offered.
Individuals may only register for a maximum of 3 camps sessions per summer.
GREAT - Elementary: | ||
![]() | Elementary Introductory Scratch: A week-long camp for entering 4th, 5th, and 6th graders which uses a fun programming environment called Scratch to make animations and games. Participants will program a large number of projects in the fast-paced camp. In past years campers have made paint programs, a keyboard-pounding race game, a bouncing ghosts game, a maze challenge, a 2D platform game, a classic snake game, a space invaders clone, and an adventure game - all in a week! No prior experience is necessary. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | |
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![]() | Elementary FIRST Lego League (FLL): The FLL camp does an intensive recreation of the robot games portion of a FIRST Lego League season, which is a world-wide robotics competition run in many schools. This is an ideal way for students who will be participating in FLL to learn about how to do the missions or more experienced students to practice with advanced techniques. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. This camp is open to all age groups eligible for FLL in the upcoming season (4-8 grades) but it does tend to have mostly 4th-6th graders - older participants should be OK with the idea of being around younger campers. If the student is in middle school, the Graphics and Robotics camp might be a better choice. $260. Schedule | |
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![]() | Elementary Aftercare: We are going to offer a limited aftercare program from 3 until 5:30. This will largely not be computer related, but more about enjoying some of the University of Utah campus - doing activities like bowling or games on the open spaces. We will distribute a daily schedule so that you can pickup early if needed. A snack will be provided. $45. Schedule | |
GREAT - Middle School: | ||
Super Scratch: Entering 7th graders are eligible for our most advanced Scratch camps. Please see the Super Scratch listing in the elementary section. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | ||
![]() | Middle School Graphics and Robotics: A week-long camp for entering 7th, 8th, and 9th graders which uses a 3D programming world called Alice for 3D animations and games, followed by building and programming LEGO Mindstorms robots to compete in various challenges. No prior experience is necessary. The G&R camp is intended for students who did not take our elementary camps and want to get a taste of the GREAT camps before trying the more advanced topics available. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | |
Advanced LEGO Mindstorms: Entering 7th and 8th graders are eligible for the Advanced LEGO Mindstorms camps. Please see the Advanced LEGO Mindstorms listing in the elementary section. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | ||
![]() | Middle School Programming with Processing: This camp uses the Processing programming language to learn more about programming while making interactive illustrations, animations, and simple games. The Processing language is based on the popular Java language and is designed to appeal to visual artists, so this is a good way to get started in "real" programming. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. This camp is open to students entering 7th-10th grade (although older students more commonly take the high school camps). Campers must have taken the Middle School Graphics and Robotics camp or the Super Scratch camp prior to this camp or had some equivalent experience. Please check the Dates tab as this camp does not run all weeks. $260. Schedule | |
Middle School Advanced Processing: This camp follows up the first Processing camp with even more projects in the appealing Processing language. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. This camp is open to students entering 7th-10th grade. Campers must have taken the Programming with Processing camp or had some experience with the Java programming language. Please check the Dates tab as this camp does not run all weeks. $260. Schedule | ||
Belly Bugs: This middle school camp is a joint project with researchers from the Biology Department. Students will build on their beginning Processing skills to make a simulation game exploring the human microbiota - the rich diversity of bacteria in our bellies that help us survive. Joint instruction from Biology and Computer Science will lay the groundwork for the group to make an educational and fun simulation of bacterial growth. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. This camp is open to students entering 7th-10th grade. Campers must have taken the Programming with Processing camp or had some experience with the Java programming language. Please check the Dates tab as this camp does not run all weeks. $260. Schedule | ||
![]() | Middle School Aftercare: Please see the entry under Elementary camps and under Elementary in the registration system. | |
GREAT - High School: | ||
![]() | Middle School Programming with Processing: See the camp description in the Middle School camps above - it is open to entering 9th and 10th graders as well as later middle school students. $260. Schedule | |
Middle School Advanced Processing/Belly Bugs: See the camp descriptions in the Middle School camps above - these camps are open to entering 9th and 10th graders as well as later middle school students. $260. Schedule | ||
![]() | High School Robotics with Arduino: A week-long camp for entering 10th, 11th, and 12th graders; or 9th graders who have taken a middle school camp. Campers will build and program machines that react to the world and to people using embedded computers, sensors, and motors based on the Arduino family of processors. This is an introductory camp that doesn't need any prior experience, but uses "real" gear in creative ways. The Arduino system is used in the University of Utah undergraduate Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science courses, so this is a great way to see what goes on in those majors. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Some interest or aptitude in computers and/or building things is expected for this camp. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | |
![]() | High School Robotics Advanced Projects: A week-long camp for entering 10th, 11th, and 12th graders; or 9th graders who have taken a middle school camp. This is a follow-on course for those who have taken the HS Robotics with Arduino or have prior Arduino experience. The camp will be more project-based and focus on development of independent skills. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Some interest or aptitude in computers and/or building things is expected for this camp as well as experience with the Arduino system. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | |
![]() | High School Python Game Development Camp: This camp will use the popular Python programming language with a game development framework to make classic games. The Python language is currently used in the U's nationally-recognized Entertainment Arts and Engineering game program. This camp is for entering 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, or 9th graders who have taken a middle school camp. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. No prior experience is needed, but this camp is aimed at students who show some interest in or aptitude for computers, programming, or math. Students less sure of their interest should take the Processing camp. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | |
High School Python Advanced Game Development Camp: This camp continues the concepts in the Python Game Development Game for students interested in more challenging projects. Taking the earlier camp is a prerequisite. Students will learn additional concepts in computer science, Python, and game-making. This camp is for entering 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, or 9th graders who have taken a middle school camp. This camp runs from 9AM-3PM, M-F. Lunch is provided. $260. Schedule | ||
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The University of Utah offers other technical courses. If our dates or programs do not meet your needs, consider looking at the Youth Education technology camps (see course listings).
Our camps require that participants have basic keyboarding and computer skills. Campers must be willing and able to work alone and in groups and demonstrate respect for instructors, other campers, and the facilities of the University of Utah. We reserve the right to cancel the registration of any participant at any time.
To request a reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action, 201 South Presidents Circle, Room 135, Salt Lake City, UT
84112, (801)581-8365. Reasonable notice is required.
2018 Summer Sessions
The 2018 season is open for registration. There is a new HS iOS app camp - sure to be a coveted camp with limited space.
There is one important new restriction on camps. Each camp is limited to three camp sessions per summer. Choose wisely! This is to help with compliance with state childcare licensing requirements.
2018 Summer Sessions
Information about the 2018 Summer Session is expected to be released in mid-February. The information below is retained from last year to help give an idea of what to expect.
GREAT Camp News
Follow us on Facebook: Learn a little more about the GREAT camps at our Facebook page.
GREAT Camp News
Summer 2017 Registration: The new schedule is released and registration is open! We have expanded to have 18 different camp types over the three age ranges.
Tax ID
For those of you looking for a tax ID number for last year's camps, we are 87-6000525.

The Lauer Family Foundation
The GREAT camps are made possible by the generous sponsorship of Microsoft, the Utah STEM Action Center, and the Lauer Family Foundation as well the support of the School of Computing and the University of Utah.