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Racket Documentation🔗ℹ

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Getting Started



  Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures

  Continue: Web Applications in Racket

  More: Systems Programming with Racket


Racket Language and Core Libraries

  The Racket Guide

  The Racket Reference


  Package Management in Racket

  The Racket Drawing Toolkit

  The Racket Graphical Interface Toolkit

  The Racket Foreign Interface

  Scribble: The Racket Documentation Tool

  DrRacket: The Racket Programming Environment

  raco: Racket Command-Line Tools


  How to Program Racket: a Style Guide


Other Languages in the Racket Environment

  The Typed Racket Guide

  The Typed Racket Reference

  R6RS: Scheme


  Rhombus Language Model

  Rhombus Reference

  Rhombus Metaprogramming Reference



  Web Applications in Racket


  Futures Visualizer

  PLaneT: Automatic Package Distribution

  Scribble as Preprocessor

  Rhombus Slideshow: Figure and Presentation Tools

  Slideshow: Figure and Presentation Tools

  Web Server: HTTP Server


  DrRacket Plugins


GUI and Graphics Libraries

  Framework: Racket GUI Application Framework

  Pict: Functional Pictures


  gui-easy: Declarative GUIs

  Embedded GUI: Widgets Within Editors

  Plot: Graph Plotting

  MrLib: Extra GUI Libraries

  Rhombus Pict: Functional Pictures

  String Constants: GUI Internationalization

  Syntax Color: Utilities


Network Libraries

  Distributed Places

  http-easy: a high-level HTTP client

  OpenSSL: Secure Communication

  Net: Networking Libraries

  Windows Native SSL: Secure Communication

  Mac OS Native SSL: Secure Communication


Parsing Libraries


  File: Racket File and Format Libraries

  XML: Parsing and Writing


Tool Libraries

  Dynext: Running a C Compiler/Linker

  Macro Debugger: Inspecting Macro Expansion

  Readline: Terminal Interaction

  Errortrace: Debugging and Profiling

  Source Syntax

  Version: Racket Version Checking

  XREPL: eXtended REPL


Low-Level APIs

  Inside: Racket C API



  Rhombus and Racket Interoperability


Data Structures

  Data: Data Structures



  DB: Database Connectivity


Math and Science

  Math Library


Performance Tools

  Profile: Statistical Profiler


Scribble Libraries

  Scriblib: Extra Scribble Libraries


Syntax Extensions

  Syntax: Meta-Programming Helpers



  RackUnit: Unit Testing


Miscellaneous Libraries

  SRFIs: Libraries


  Cookies: HTTP State Management

  Rhombus Draw

  Enforestation with Macro Expansion

  Rhombus GUI

  Help and Documentation Utilities

  Rhombus HTTP Client

  Rhombus URL and Form Parsing

  pretty-expressive: a pretty expressive printer

  Rhombus Logo

  Rhombus Scribble

  Shrubbery Notation

  Simple Tree Text Markup: Simple Markup for Display as Text or in GUI


Legacy Languages and Libraries

  R5RS: Legacy Scheme

  Scheme: Compatibility Libraries and Executables


  Compatibility: Features from Racket Relatives

  MzScheme: Legacy Language

  MzLib: Legacy Libraries

  Legacy Print Convert