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Rhombus Reference

Rhombus Reference🔗ℹ

For a general overview of the Rhombus language, see Rhombus. This document defines Rhombus language bindings in terms of the syntax and evaluation concepts described in Rhombus Language Model. For more Rhombus bindings that support metaprograming, see Rhombus Metaprogramming Reference.

 #lang rhombus package: rhombus-lib

Unless otherwise specified at the start of a section, the bindings described in this manual are exported by the rhombus language.

    1 Notation and Conventions

      1.1 Metavariables

      1.2 Documentation Entries

        1.2.1 Documenting Syntactic Forms

        1.2.2 Documenting Methods

        1.2.3 Namespaces and Modules

        1.2.4 Classes and Fields

      1.3 Naming Conventions

    2 Implicits and Context

      2.1 Implicit Forms

      2.2 Static and Dynamic Lookup

      2.3 Static by Default

      2.4 Unsafe Mode

    3 Names and Definitions

      3.1 Modules and Submodules

      3.2 Namespaces

      3.3 Import

      3.4 Export

      3.5 Block

      3.6 Definitions

      3.7 Multiple Values

      3.8 Mutable Variables and Assignment

    4 Functions and Operators

      4.1 Functions

      4.2 Function Calls

      4.3 Function Annotations

      4.4 Operators

      4.5 Recursion

    5 Comparison and Branching

      5.1 Conditionals

      5.2 Matching

      5.3 Annotations

      5.4 Equality

      5.5 Unit Testing

    6 Objects and Annotations

      6.1 Classes

      6.2 Interfaces

      6.3 Veneers

      6.4 Dot

      6.5 Enumerations

    7 Basic Data

      7.1 Booleans

      7.2 Numbers

        7.2.1 Flonums

        7.2.2 Fixnums

      7.3 Characters

      7.4 Strings

      7.5 Keywords

      7.6 Symbols

      7.7 Byte Strings

      7.8 Boxes

      7.9 Source Locations

      7.10 Void

    8 Collections and Iteration

      8.1 Lists

      8.2 Pairs and Pair Lists

      8.3 Mutable Lists

      8.4 Arrays

      8.5 Maps

      8.6 Sets

      8.7 Repetitions

      8.8 Iteration

      8.9 Ranges

    9 Object Protocols

      9.1 Equatables

      9.2 Indexables

      9.3 Listables

      9.4 Sequences

      9.5 Appendables

      9.6 Comparables

      9.7 Membership Tests

      9.8 Printables

      9.9 Callables

      9.10 Closeables

      9.11 Serializables

        9.11.1 Serialization and Deserialization

    10 Higher-Order Control

      10.1 Errors

      10.2 Exceptions

      10.3 Continuations

      10.4 Context Parameters

    11 Code as Data

      11.1 Syntax Objects

      11.2 Syntax Classes

      11.3 Simple Expression Macros

      11.4 Eval

    12 String Formatting and Matching

      12.1 String Formatting

      12.2 Regular Expressions

        12.2.1 Regexp Patterns

        12.2.2 Regexp Character Sets

        12.2.3 Regexp Objects

        12.2.4 Regexp Match Results

    13 Input and Output

      13.1 Ports

      13.2 Input Ports

      13.3 Output Ports

      13.4 File/Stream Ports

      13.5 Pipes

      13.6 Printing

      13.7 Shrubbery Input

    14 Operating System

      14.1 Paths

        14.1.1 Runtime Paths

      14.2 Cross-Platform Paths

      14.3 Filesystem

      14.4 Subprocesses

      14.5 Networking

        14.5.1 TCP

        14.5.2 UDP

        14.5.3 Port Numbers and Waiting Modes

      14.6 System Information and Control

      14.7 Command Line Parsing

        14.7.1 Command Line Parser Construction

        14.7.2 Command Line Parser Parameters and Annotations

        14.7.3 Command Line Parsing Classes

    15 Threads and Concurrency

      15.1 Threads

      15.2 Semaphore

      15.3 Synchronizable Events

    16 Reflection and Security

      16.1 Custodians

    17 Runtime System

      17.1 Memory Management

      17.2 Measuring Time and Space

      17.3 Random Number Generation

      17.4 Module Collection Paths