
The following graphical examples illustrate several possible uses of level sets in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics.


This is an example of using level sets to morph one object into another. The level-set model of a mug deforms into that of a chain by moving on the distance transform of the chain. Changes in topology are handled automatically by the voxel-based formulation.

Fillets and Blends

Level sets moving under positive-curvature flow can be used to construct fillets or blends. No explicit knowledge of the shapes of the underlying models is necessary. The algorithm can be applied to objects of arbitrary complexity and topology.

Coarse-to-fine Strategy

The coarse-to-fine strategy for fitting level-set models is shown here. Successively finer models are used, the resolution is doubled from one image to the next, allowing a more detailed reconstruction to be obtained. The models move according to an energy functional which seeks to maximize the posterior probability of surface position.

Evolution of the Level Set Model

The initial model of a torus from the combination of six points of view is displayed at left. The model is attracted to the range data, undergoes internal forces, evolves, and eventually settles into a smooth steady state.


Contact amangan@utk.edu