Li, Feifei

Feifei Li
Formerly Professor at SoC, Now at Alibaba Cloud, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
50 S. Central Campus Drive
School of Computing, University of Utah
Salt Lake City UT 84112
lifeifei AT cs DOT utah DOT edu
Phone:(801)585-6673 (O), Fax: (801)581-5843
[Teaching] [Research] [DataGroup@Utah][The InitialD Lab][InitialD GitHub][Datasets]
I currently lead the database team at Alibaba/Alibaba Cloud. I was
a Professor in the School of Computing at University of Utah. I
obtained my Ph.D in computer science from the
Computer Science Department at Boston University
in summer 2007, and was an Assitant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Florida State University from Aug 2007 to Aug 2011. A more detailed version about myself is here [
]. I was a member of the Data Group at Utah.
Database Systems and Data Driven Science
Research Interests
Database/big data systems and large-scale data management, systems, and analytics. Security issues in data management and systems. Machine learning methods for systems and data analytics.
My PhD thesis is about query and data security issues in the data outsourcing model.
- 06/2023
ACM SIGMOD 2023 Best Paper Award.
- 04/2022, People of ACM.
- 03/2022
EDBT Test of Time Award, EDBT 2022
- 12/2022
CCF Fellow
- 01/2022
ACM Fellow
- 12/2021
IEEE Fellow
- 11/2020
IEEE ICDCS 2020 Best Paper Award
- 10/2019
The Global Leading Technology Achievement Award at the World Internet Conference
- 11/2019
ACM SoCC 2019 Best Paper Award (runner-up)
- 11/2018
ACM Distinguished Scientist
04/2018 Teaching Dean's List, Top Instructors in the College of Engineering, CS 6530 and CS 6950, Fall 2017.
- 09/2017
Visa Faculty Research Award.
- 09/2017
University of Utah Presidential Scholar Award.
- 05/2017
ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award.
- 06/2016
ACM SIGMOD 2016 Best Paper Award.
- 06/2015
ACM SIGMOD 2015 Best Demonstration Award.
- 02/2015
Google Faculty Award.
- 04/2014
IEEE ICDE 2014 10+ Years Most Influential Paper Award.
03/2014 Teaching Dean's List, Top 15% Class in the College of Engineering, CS 6530, Fall 2013.
- 06/2013
SIGMOD Best Undergraduate Research Poster Award (Advisor), 2013.
- 10/2012
Google App Engine Education Award, 2012 (details here).
- 07/2012
HP Labs Innovation Research Award (IRP award), 2012 (news release and list of awards).
- 09/2011
HP Labs Innovation Research Award (IRP award), 2011 (news release and list of awards).
- 02/2011
COFRS (Committee on Faculty Research Support) Award, Florida State University
- 02/2011
NSF Career Award
- 05/2008
First Year Assistant Professor Award, Florida State University
- 09/2006
Best Presenter Award, in Research Summer Interns Seminar@Luch Series, IBM
T.J. Watson Research Center
- 03/2004
Best Paper Award in ICDE 2004
- 01/2002
First Class Honor (Accelerating Honor) in School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Tech. University, Singapore
- 08/2001
Defense Science & Technology Agency Gold Medal, Singapore
- 12/2000
Merit Award in Singapore Advanced e-Business Applications Competition
- 07/1997
Graduate from the National Science Class in China
Recent Publications
* alphabetic ordering of authors
- Detecting Logic Bugs of Join Optimizations in DBMS, Best Paper Award
by X. Tang, S. Wu, X. Zhang, F. Li, G. Chen
In Proceedings of 42nd ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2023), pages 1(1):55:1-55:25, Seattle, USA, June 2023.
- A Unified and Efficient Coordinating Framework for Autonomous DBMS Tuning,
by X. Zhang, C. Zhang, H. Wu, J. Tan, F. Li, B. Cui
In Proceedings of 42nd ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2023), pages 1(2):186:1-186:26, Seattle, USA, June 2023.
- PolarDB-IMCI: A Cloud-Native HTAP Database System at Alibaba,
by J. Wang, T. Li, H. Song, X. Yang, W. Zhou, F. Li, B. Yan, Q. Wu, Y. Liang, C. Ying, Y. Wang, B. Chen, C. Cai, Y. Ruan, X. Weng, S. Chen, L. Yin, C. Yang, X. Cai, H. Xing, N. Yu, X. Chen, D. Huang, J. Sun
In Proceedings of 42nd ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2023), pages 1(2):199:1-199:25, Seattle, USA, June 2023.
- CatSQL: Towards Real World Natural Language to SQL Applications,
by H. Fu, C. Liu, B. Wu, F. Li, J. Tan, J. Sun
Proceedings of 49th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases (VLDB 2023), pages 16(6):1534-1547, Vancouver,
Canada, August 2023.
- OneShotSTL: One-Shot Seasonal-Trend Decomposition For Online Time Series Anomaly Detection And Forecasting,
by X. He, Y. Li, J. Tan, B. Wu, F. Li
Proceedings of 49th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases (VLDB 2023), pages 16(6):1399-1412, Vancouver,
Canada, August 2023.
- Encrypted Databases Made Secure Yet Maintainable
by M. Li, X. Zhao, L. Chen, C. Tan, H. Li, S. Wang, Z. Mi, Y. Xia, F. Li, H. Chen
In Proceedings of 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2023), pages 117-133, Boston, USA, June, 2023
- Persistent Memory Disaggregation for Cloud-Native Relational Databases
by C. Ruan, Y. Zhang, C. Bi, X. Ma, H. Chen, F. Li, X. Yang, C. Li, A. Aboulnaga, Y. Xu
In Proceedings of 28th conference ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ACM ASPLOS 2023), pages 498-512, Vancouver, Canada, March 2023
- Knock Out 2PC with Practicality Intact: a High-performance and General Distributed Transaction Protocol
by Z. Lai, H. Fan, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, X. Peng, F. Li, E. Lo
In Proceedings of 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2023), pages 2317-2331, California, USA, April, 2023
- Active Sampling for Sparse Table by Bayesian Optimization with Adaptive Resolution
by X. He, J. Tan, B. Wu, F. Li, X. Zhang, G. Liang, J. Xu
In Proceedings of 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2023), pages 816-828, California, USA, April, 2023
- EulerFD: An Efficient Double-Cycle Approximation of Functional Dependencies
by Q. Lin, Y. Gu, J. Sai, J. Liu, K. Ren, L. Xiong, T. Wang, Y. Pang, S. Wang, F. Li
In Proceedings of 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2023), pages 2878-2891, California, USA, April, 2023
- Database Workload Characterization with Query Plan
by D. Paul, J. Cao, F. Li,
V. Srikumar
In Proceedings of 48th International
Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022),
15(4) pages 923-935 , Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- Facilitating Database Tuning with Hyper-Parameter
Optimization: A Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation,
by X. Zhang, Z. Chang, Y. Li, H. Wu, J. Tan, F. Li
Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(9) pages 1808-1821,, Sydney,
Australia, August 2022.
- AB-tree: Index for Concurrent Random Sampling
and Updates,
by Z. Zhao, D. Xie, F. Li
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(9)
pages 1835-1847, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- SA-LSM : Optimize Data Layout for LSM-tree Based
Storage using Survival Analysis,
by T. Zhang, J. Tan, X. Cai, J. Wang, F. Li, J. Sun
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(10) pages 2161-2174, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- Operon: An Encrypted Database for
Ownership-Preserving Data Management,
by S. Wang, Y. Li, H. Li, F. Li, C. Tian, L. Su, Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, L. Yan, Y. Sun,
X. Cheng, X. Xie, Y. Zou.
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(12) pages 3332-3345, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- HEDA: Multi-Attribute Unbounded Aggregation over Homomorphically Encrypted Database,
by X. Ren, L. Su, Z. Gu, S. Wang, F. Li, Y. Xie, S. Bian, C. Li, F. Zhang
Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases (VLDB 2022), 16(4) pages 601-614, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- CloudJump: Optimizing Cloud Databases for Cloud
by Z. Chen, X. Yang, F. Li, X. Cheng, Q. Hu,
Z. Miao, R. Xie, X. Wu, K. Wang, Z. Song, H. Sun, Z. Zhuang,
Y. Yang, J. Xu, L. Yin, W. Zhou, S. Wang.
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(12) pages 3432-3444, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- Tair-PMem: a Fully Durable Non-Volatile
Memory Database,
by C. Gong, C. Tian, Z. Wang, S. Wang,
X. Wang, Q. Fu, W. Qin, Q. Long, R. Chen, J. Qi, R. Wang,
G. Zhu, C. Yang, W. Zhang, F. Li
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(12) pages 3346-3358, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- VRE: A Versatile, Robust, and Economical
Trajectory Data System,
by H. Lan, J. Xie, Z. Bao, F. Li, W. Tian, F. Wang, S. Wang, A. Zhang
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(12) pages 3398-3410, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- Ganos: A Multidimensional, Dynamic, and
Scene-Oriented Cloud-Native Spatial Database Engine,
by J. Xie, Z. Chen, J. Liu, F. Wang, F. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Liu, S. Cai,
Z. Fan, F. Xiao, Y. Chen
In Proceedings of 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 15(12) pages 3483-3495, Sydney, Australia, August 2022.
- Towards Practical Oblivious Join,
by Z. Chang, D. Xie, S. Wang, F. Li
In Proceedings of 41th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2022), pages 803-817, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022.
- PreQR: Pre-training Representation for SQL Understanding,
by X. Tang, S. Wu, M. Song, S. Yin, F. Li, G. Chen
In Proceedings of 41th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2022), pages 204-216, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022.
- Remus: Efficient Live Migration for Distributed Databases with Snapshot Isolation,
by J. Kang, C. Le, F. Li, X. Zhou, W. Cao, S. Cai, D. Shao.
In Proceedings of 41th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2022), pages 2232-2245, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022.
- ESDB: Processing Extremely Skewed Workloads in Real-time,
by J. Zhang, S. Cheng, Z. Xue, J. Deng, C. Fu, W. Zhou, S. Wang, C. Chen, F. Li
In Proceedings of 41th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2022), pages 2286-2298, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022.
- Towards Dynamic and Safe Coonfiguration Tuning for Cloud Databases,
by X. Zhang, H. Wu, Y. Li, J. Tan, F. Li, B. Cui
In Proceedings of 41th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2022), pages 631-645, Philadelphia, USA, June 2022.
- Releasing Private Data for Numerical Queries,
by Y. Qiu, W. Dong, K. Yi, B. Wu, F. Li
In Proceedings of 28th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIKDD 2022), pages
1410-1419, Washington DC, USA, Aug, 2022.
- PolarDB-X: An Elastic Distributed Relational Database for Cloud-Native Applications
by W. Cao, F. Li, G. Huang, J. Lou, J. Zhao, D. He, M. Sun, Y. Zhang, S. Wang, X. Wu, H. Liao, Z. Chen, X. Fang, M. Chen, C. Liang, Y. Luo, H. Wang, S. Wang, Z. Ma, X. Yang, X. Peng, Y. Ruan, Y. Wang, J. Zhou, J. Wang, Q. Hu, J. Kang.
In Proceedings of 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2022), pages 2859-2872, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May, 2022
- PinSQL: Pinpoint Root Cause to Resolve SQL Performance Issues in Cloud Databases
by X. Liu, Z. Yin, C. Zhao, C. Ge, L. Chen, Y/ Gao, D. Li, Z. Wang, G. Liang, J. Tan, F. Li
In Proceedings of 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2022), pages 2549-2561, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May, 2022
- A Comparative Study of in-Database Inference Approaches
by Q. Lin, S. Wu, J. Zhao, J. Dai, F. Li, G. Chen
In Proceedings of 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2022), pages 1794-1807, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May, 2022
- Ubiquitous Verification in Centralized Ledger Databases
by X. Yang, S. Wang, F. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Yan, F. Gai, B. Yu, L. Feng, Q. Gao, Y. Li.
In Proceedings of 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2022), pages 1808-1821, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May, 2022
Full list of publications
Professional Services
Services and program committee memberships: Please refer to this page.
I am grateful and blessed to work with the following great students:
Yanqing Peng (PhD Student), Google PhD Fellow
Yuwei Wang MS Student)
Guineng Zheng PhD Student)
Graduated Students
Zhuoyue Zhao (PhD Student, First employment, Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo), Google PhD Fellow
Zhao Chang (PhD Student, First employment: Assistant Professor, Xidian University)
Dong Xie (PhD Student, MSR PhD Fellow, First employment: Assistant Professor, CSE@Penn State University)
Debjyoti Paul (PhD Student, First employment: Facebook Research)
Min Du (PhD student, First employment: Research fellow at UC Berkely)
Neeka Embrahimi (Master student, First employment: Facebook)
Richie Frost (Master student, First employment: Microsoft)
Ya Gao (Master student, First employment: Alibaba)
Jason Vuong (BS/MS studen, First employment: startup)
Yuwei Wang (Master student, First employment: PhD student at the UofU)
Dyllon Gagnier (BS student, First employment: Goldman Sachs)
Madeline Macdonald (BS student, Microsoft)
Robert Christensen (Master student, First employment: Visa Research)
Jiyuan Li (Master Student, First employment: Amazon)
Kilari Murali Krishna Teja (Master Student, First employment: Finicity)
Xin Yu (Master Student, First employment: PhD student at the UofU)
Rui Dai (Master student, First employment: Airbnb)
Jonathan Dunstan (Master Student, First employment: Maverik)
Elijah Grubb (BS student)
Jun Tang (Master student, First employment: Google)
Yupeng Zhang (Master student, First employment: Amazon)
Oscar Marshall (BS/MS student, First employment: startup)
Mengyang Wang (Master student, First employment: Microsoft)
Klemen Simonic (Master student, First employment: Facebook)
Natalee Ann Villa (Master student, First employment: Adobe)
Yi Li (Undergraduate student, First employment: graduate student at BU)
Limou Wang (Master student, Turn, Yahoo, now at Amazon)
Fei Luo (Master student, Fuhu)
Mingwang Tang (PhD student, now at Uber)
Bin Yao (PhD student, First employment: assistant professor, Computer Science Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Wangchao Le (PhD student, First employment: Microsoft)
Jeffrey Jestes (PhD student, First employment: Cerner)
Chi Zhang (PhD student, Current employment: Walmat Lab)
Cody Hansen (Master student, First employment: Disney Interactive, Now at Google)
Chengxu Ding (Master student, First employment: Epic)
Limou Wang (Master student, First employment: Turn, Now at Amazon)
Namita Mahtta (Master Student, First employment: Goldman Sachs)
Quinton Williams (Master student)
Daniel Gomez (Master student by project, First employment: Raytheon)
Kun Hou (Master student, First employment: Teradata)
Vanessa Cedeno (Master student by project, First employment: professor at ESPOL, Ecuador)
Diming Lu (Master student by project)
Wendy Lynne Chidester (Undergraduate student)
Justin DeBrabant (Undergraduate student, First employment: PhD student in Brown University)
Steven Burgart (Undergraduate student, DoD)
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