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Feifei Li
Please refer to my research page, or click on the links below:
DBLP entry] [My Google citation page]
- 06/2023 ACM SIGMOD 2023 Best Paper Award.
- 04/2022
People of ACM, ACM 2022
- 03/2022
EDBT Test of Time Award, EDBT 2022
- 12/2022
CCF Fellow
- 01/2022
ACM Fellow
- 12/2021
IEEE Fellow
- 11/2020
IEEE ICDCS 2020 Best Paper Award
- 10/2019
The Global Leading Technology Achievement Award at the World Internet Conference
- 11/2019
ACM SoCC 2019 Best Paper Award (runner-up)
- 11/2018
ACM Distinguished Member
04/2018 Teaching Dean's List, Top Instructors in the College of Engineering, CS 6530 and CS 6950, Fall 2017.
- 09/2017 Visa Research Faculty Award.
- 05/2017 ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award.
- 06/2016 ACM SIGMOD 2016 Best Paper Award.
- 06/2015 ACM SIGMOD 2015 Best Demonstration Award.
- 02/2015
Google Faculty Award, 2015.
- 04/2014
ICDE 2014 10+ Years Most Influential Paper Award, 2014.
- 03/2014 Teaching Dean's List, Top 15% Class in the College of Engineering, CS 6530, Fall 2013.
- 06/2013
SIGMOD Best Undergraduate Research Poster Award (Advisor), 2013.
- 10/2012
Google App Engine Education Award, 2012 (details here).
- 07/2012
HP Labs Innovation Research Award (IRP award), 2012 (news release and list of awards).
- 09/2011
HP Labs Innovation Research Award (IRP award), 2011 (news release and list of awards).
- 02/2011
COFRS (Committee on Faculty Research Support) Award, Florida State University
- 02/2011
NSF Career Award
- 05/2008
First Year Assistant Professor Award, Florida State University
- 09/2006
Best Presenter Award, in Research Summer Interns Seminar@Luch Series, IBM
T.J. Watson Research Center
- 03/2004
Best Paper Award in ICDE 2004
- 01/2002
First Class Honor (Accelerating Honor) in School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Tech. University, Singapore
- 08/2001
Defense Science & Technology Agency Gold Medal, Singapore
- 12/2000
Merit Award in Singapore Advanced e-Business Applications Competition
- 07/1997
Graduate from the National Science Class in China