• Create an Emulab experiment with a host that can run VirtualBox. The following NS file is sufficient:
set ns [new Simulator]
source tb_compat.tcl

set one [$ns node]
tb-set-node-os $one UBUNTU10-64-STD

$ns run
  • Once the experiment is swapped in and the host is up, ssh to it and install VirtualBox and TightVNC
# apt-get install vboxgtk tightvncserver
  • Create room for a local copy of our VirtualBox Windows 7 image. Find unallocated space on the local disk, create a new partition, and mount it.
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/sd??
# mount /dev/sd?? /z/
  • Copy the VirtualBox Windows 7 image to this directory - this will be your copy.
# gzip -dc /share/windows7/VMs/Win7-disk.vdi.gz > /z/win7-disk.vdi
  • Configure VNC. You may also want to install a window manager since it will use fvwm by default.
$ vncpasswd
$ tightvncserver -geometry 1280x1024
$ echo `which startxfce4` >> ~/.vnc/xstartup
  • VNC to your host and run VirtualBox. Choose the disk image in /z/