3.2 Arrays
The Array constructor is similar to List, but it creates an array, which has a fixed length at the time that it’s created and offers constant-time access to any element of the array. Like a list, an array is indexable. Unlike a list, an array is mutable, so […] for indexing can be combined with := for assignment.
> buckets[0]
> buckets[1] := 5
> buckets
Array(1, 5, 3, 4)
Array is also an annotation and a binding constructor, analogous to List, and Array.now_of and Array.later_of are annotation constructors. The Array binding form does not support ... or &, but the Array constructor supports ... and &.
The MutableList constructor and annotation corresponds to an object that contains a list, where the object can be mutated to change the list that it contains. Like an array, a mutable list supports indexing and update via […] and :=. Unlike an array, a mutable list supports operations that add or remove elements.
def items = MutableList(1, 2, 3, 4)