7.2 Annotations for Optional Values
Sometimes, a function accepts an optional value, and it makes sense to allow #false to indicate “nothing.” A function could annotate such an option with || False.
> name("Homer", "Simpson")
"Homer Simpson"
> name("Stu", #false)
A drawback of using || is that static information is lost in the case of a non-#false value. In the preceding example, " " ++ last is not statically resolved to string concatenation.
The maybe annotation constructor is a shorthand for || False, but it also cooperates with operators like !!, which returns its argument only if it is non-#false and throws an exception otherwise. If the argument to !! has static information from maybe(annot), then the result from !! has the static information of annot.
> name("Homer", "Simpson")
"Homer Simpson"
> name("Stu", #false)
The ?. operator is like the . operator, but it produces #false without accessing a field or method if the expression before ?. produces #false. It also recognizes maybe static information for the expression before ?., which enables static dispatch for a non-#false value.
> len("apple")
> len(#false)
The || operator similarly cooerates with maybe for the left-hand argument to ||. Since a #false result from the left-hand argument is never used as the result, if it has static information from maybe(annot), then it can be treated as having the static information of annot.
> len("apple")
> len(#false)
Along similar lines, the static information of a && expression corresponds to the static information of its right-hand argument, but adjusted in the same way as by maybe.
The && operator can serve the same role as the elvis operator ?: that is provided some other languages.
> ms("Smith")
"Ms. Smith"
> ms(#false)