2.1 Notation
Like most languages, Rhombus syntax builds on a set of rules for parsing
characters into tokens. Unlike most languages––but like Lisp,
Scheme, and Racket—
See Shrubbery Notation for complete details, but the basics (such as numbers and identifiers) look like many other languages, and here are a few extra hints:
Shrubbery notation is whitespace-sensitive, so line breaks and indentation matter.
The : and | tokens are not operators, but instead determine program structure along with line breaks and indentation. Multi-character tokens with : and | can be operators, such as ::, :~, or ||.
Keywords start with ~, and they are a distinct syntactic category from identifiers and operators.
Single-quote marks '…' are used for quoting code (i.e., shrubbery forms), not strings.
Indentation rules still apply within (…), […], {…}, and '…'.