1 Overview
The rhombus/scribble language is like the rhombus language, but with three key differences:
A #lang rhombus/scribble module body starts in text mode as if inside @{} (see At-Notation Using @), which means that @ escapes must be used to write Rhombus definitions or expressions for implementing a document.
Since it starts in text mode, the body of a #lang rhombus/scribble module produces a mixture of string literals and expressions. Those results are gathered together and decoded to form a document.
The rhombus/scribble module provides all of the binding of rhombus plus a group of bindings for writing documents. Those bindings are described in Core Scribble. The rhombus/scribble/manual module provides even more bindings as described in Documentation Scribble.
Functions and forms added by rhombus/scribble to rhombus are primarily intended to be used with @ notation. For example, the italic function could be called as italic(["Hello"]), but the intended use syntax is @italic{Hello}. Some functions accept extra argument, especially keyword-based optional arguments, and those can be supplied in parentheses before a final text argument written with {}. Some functions, such as secref, do not have text-content arguments, and so they are not meant to be used with {} arguments.