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unquote_  bind
unquote_  bind.macro

4.7 Unquote Binding Macros🔗ℹ

Unquote binding forms are similar to normal binding forms, but they appear only under $ within a syntax binding pattern. Unquote binding forms are distinct from normal binding forms because they must match syntax objects; some operators work in both contexts but have different meanings, such as :: and _ for unquote bindings versus :: and _ for normal bindings.

The space for bindings of identifiers and operator that implement $ escape patterns.

Like expr.macro, but for binding an identifier or operator that works within a $ escape for a syntax pattern. The macro is bound in the unquote_bind space.

> unquote_bind.macro 'dots':


> match Syntax.make_group(['...', '...', '...'])

  | '$dots ...': "all dots"

"all dots"

> syntax_class Wrapped

  | '($content)'

  | '[$content]'

  | '{$content}'

> unquote_bind.macro 'wrapped $(id :: Identifier)':

    '_ :: Wrapped: content as $id'

> match '{x} [y] (z)'

  | '$(wrapped a) ...': [a, ...]

['x', 'y', 'z']