On this page:
24.1.1 Compilation and Configuration:   raco
24.1.2 Interactive evaluation
24.1.3 Shell completion

24.1 Command-Line Tools🔗ℹ

Racket provides, as part of its standard distribution, a number of command-line tools that can make racketeering more pleasant.

24.1.1 Compilation and Configuration: raco🔗ℹ

The raco (short for “Racket command”) program provides a command-line interface to many additional tools for compiling Racket programs and maintaining a Racket installation.

For more information on raco, see raco: Racket Command-Line Tools.

24.1.2 Interactive evaluation🔗ℹ

The Racket REPL provides everything you expect from a modern interactive environment. For example, it provides an ,enter command to have a REPL that runs in the context of a given module, and an ,edit command to invoke your editor (as specified by the EDITOR environment variable) on the file you entered. A ,drracket command makes it easy to use your favorite editor to write code, and still have DrRacket at hand to try things out.

For more information, see XREPL: eXtended REPL.

24.1.3 Shell completion🔗ℹ

Shell auto-completion for bash and zsh is available in "share/pkgs/shell-completion/racket-completion.bash" and "share/pkgs/shell-completion/racket-completion.zsh", respectively. To enable it, just run the appropriate file from your .bashrc or your .zshrc.

The "shell-completion" collection is only available in the Racket Full distribution. The completion scripts are also available online.