3.1 Menus
3.1.1 File
Open... : Opens a find-file dialog for choosing a file to load into a definitions window.
Open Recent : Lists recently opened files. Choosing one of them opens that file for editing.
Open Require Path... : Opens a dialog where you can enter in a require-like module path (e.g., racket/base.rkt or data/splay-tree.rkt or "x.rkt") and edit the corresponding files in the definitions window.
Reopen Closed Tab : Opens previously closed tabs. If no tabs were closed in current session, files from previous sessions are opened.
Install Package... : Opens a dialog asking for the name of a package to install. See Package Management in Racket for more information on packages.
Package Manager... : Provides a graphical interface to the command-line tool raco pkg.
Install PLT File... : Opens a dialog asking for the location of the ".plt" file (either on the local disk or on the web) and installs the contents of the file.
Revert : Re-loads the file that is currently in the definitions window. All changes since the file was last saved will be lost.
Save Definitions : Saves the program in the definitions window. If the program has never been saved before, a save-file dialog appears.
Save Definitions As... : Opens a save-file dialog for choosing a destination file to save the program in the definitions window. Subsequent saves write to the newly-selected file.
Save Definitions As Text... : Like Save Definitions As..., but the file is saved in plain-text format (see Program Files). Subsequent saves also write in plain-text format.
Save Interactions : Saves the contents of the interactions window to a file. If the interaction constants have never been saved before, a save-file dialog appears.
Save Interactions As... : Opens a save-file dialog for choosing a destination file to save the contents of the interactions window. Subsequent saves write to the newly-selected file.
Save Interactions As Text... : Like Save Interactions As..., but the file is saved in plain-text format (see Program Files). Subsequent saves are write in plain-text format.
Log Definitions and Interactions... : Starts a running of log of the text in the interactions and definitions windows, organized by executions. In a directory of your choosing, DrRacket saves files with the names "01-definitions", "01-interactions", "02-definitions", "02-interactions", etc. as you interact with various programs.
Page Setup... : Opens a dialog box to configure various details for printing.
Print Definitions... : Opens a dialog for printing the current program in the definitions window.
Print Interactions... : Opens a dialog for printing the contents of the interactions window.
Search in Files... : Opens a dialog where you can specify the parameters of a multi-file search. The results of the search are displayed in a separate window.
Close Window : Closes this DrRacket window. If this window is the only open DrRacket window, then DrRacket quits, except on Mac OS.
{Quit or Exit} Exits DrRacket. (On Mac OS, this menu item is in the Apple menu.)
3.1.2 Edit
All Edit menu items operate on either the definitions or interactions window, depending on the location of the selection or blinking caret. Each window maintains its own Undo and Redo history.
Undo : Reverses an editing action. Each window maintains a history of actions, so multiple Undo operations can reverse multiple editing actions.
Redo : Reverses an Undo action. Each window (and boxed-subwindow) maintains its own history of Undo actions, so multiple Redo operations can reverse multiple Undo actions.
Cut : Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the window.
Paste : Pastes the current clipboard contents into the window.
Paste and Indent : Pastes the current clipboard contents into the window and indents it, doing the same thing the tab key would do.
Wrap Text : Toggles between wrapped text and unwrapped text in the window.
Find : Opens an interactive search window at the bottom of the frame and moves the insertion point to the search string editor (or out of it, if the insertion point is already there).
See also Searching.
Find From Selection : Just like Find, except that it copies the current selection into the search window (but without using the clipboard, so paste will paste whatever was last copied, not the new search string)
Find Next : Finds the next occurrence of the text in the search window.
Find Previous : Finds the next occurrence of the text in the search window, but searching backwards.
Replace : Replaces the selection with the replace string (if it matches the find string) and finds the next occurrence of the text that was last searched for, looking forwards.
Replace All : Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replace string.
Find Case Sensitive : Toggles between case-sensitive and case-insensitive search.
Find Longest Line : Moves the insertion point to the longest line in the editor.
Show Active Keybindings : Shows all of the keybindings available in the current window.
Add User-defined Keybindings... : Choosing this menu item opens a file dialog where you can select a file containing Racket-definitions of keybindings. See Defining Custom Shortcuts for more information.
Spell Check String Constants : Uses aspell or ispell to look for unknown words in string constants (things that would otherwise be colored green).
Spell Check Text (between {} in Scribble : Uses aspell or ispell to look for unknown words in Scribble text.
Skip to Next Misspelled Word : Sets the insertion point to the next word that is misspelled in the editor (if any).
Suggest Spelling Corrections... : Opens a window showing spelling corrections for the word at the insertion point.
Spelling Dictionaries : A submenu that lists all of the available spelling dictionaries.
Complete Word : Completes the word at the insertion point, using the manuals as a source of completions.
Preferences... : Opens the preferences dialog. See Preferences. (On Mac OS, this menu item is in the Apple menu.)
3.1.3 View
One each of the following show/hide pairs of menu items appears at any time.
Split : Splits the current window in half to allow for two different portions of the current window to be visible simultaneously.
Collapse : If the window has been split before, this menu item becomes enabled, allowing you to collapse the split window.
Use Vertical Layout : and Use Horizontal Layout : adjust the definitions and interactions window so they are either beside each other or with the definitions above the interactions window.
Show Tracing : Shows a trace of functions called since the last time Run was clicked. This menu is useful only if you have enabled tracing in the Choose Language... dialog’s Details section. Profiling does not apply to all languages.
Show Profile : Shows the current profiling report. This menu is useful only if you have enabled profiling in the Choose Language... dialog’s Details section. Profiling does not apply to all languages.
Hide Profile : Hides any profiling information currently displayed in the DrRacket window.
Show Program Contour : Shows a “20,000 foot” overview window along the edge of the DrRacket window. Each pixel in this window corresponds to a letter in the program text.
Show Line Numbers : Shows line numbers in the definitions window.
Hide Line Numbers : Hides the line numbers in the definitions window.
Show Column Width Guide at 102 Characters : Shows the column width guide when the current file’s width is greater than 102 characters.
The number 102 is controlled in the General Editing sub-tab of the Editing tab in the preferences dialog.
Hide Column Width Guide for 102 Characters : Hides the column width guide, even with the file’s width is greater than 102 characters.
The number 102 is controlled in the General Editing sub-tab of the Editing tab in the preferences dialog.
Show Module Browser : Shows the module DAG rooted at the currently opened file in DrRacket.
See also The Module Browser.
Hide Module Browser : Hides the module browser.
See also The Module Browser.
Note: whenever a program is run, the interactions window is made visible if it is hidden.
3.1.4 Language
Choose Language... : Opens a dialog for selecting the current evaluation language. Click Run to make the language active in the interactions window. See Choosing a Language for more information about the languages.
Add Teachpack... : Opens a find-file dialog for choosing a teachpack to extend the current language. Click Run to make the teachpack available in the interactions windows. See Extending DrRacket for information on creating teachpacks.
Clear All Teachpacks : Clears all of the current teachpacks. Click Run to clear the teachpack from the interactions window.
In addition to the above items, a menu item for each teachpack that clears only the corresponding teachpack.
3.1.5 Racket
Run : Resets the interactions window and runs the program in the definitions window.
Force the Program to Quit : Terminates the current evaluation.
Reload #lang Extensions : discards any already-loaded #lang-specific extensions and reloads them. See also Tool support for #lang-based Languages.
Limit Memory... : Allow you to specify a limit on the amount of memory that a program running in DrRacket is allowed to consume.
Clear Error Highlight : Removes the red background that signals the source location of an error. Also removes the highlighting for uncovered (untested) portions of the program.
Create Executable... : Creates a separate launcher for running your program. See Creating Executables for more info.
Module Browser... : Prompts for a file and then opens a window showing the module DAG starting at the module in the selected file.
See also The Module Browser.
Module Browser on file : Opens a separate window showing the module graph rooted at the file currently being edited in DrRacket, but using the saved file on the disk, instead of the version in DrRacket.
See also The Module Browser.
Reindent : Indents the selected text according to the standard Racket formatting conventions. (Pressing the Tab key has the same effect.)
Reindent All : Indents all of the text in either the definitions or interactions window, depending on the location of the selection or blinking caret.
Comment Out with a Box : Boxes the selected text with a comment box.
Comment Out with ... : Uses the characters shown in the menu item to comment out the selected region of text. This menu item changes based on the #lang line.
Uncomment : Removes all ; characters at the start of each selected line of text or removes a comment box around the text. Uncommenting only removes a ; if it appears at the start of a line and it only removes the first ; on each line.
Disable Tests : Stops tests written in the definitions window from evaluating when the program is Run. Tests can be enabled using the Enable Tests menu item. Disabling tests freezes the contents of any existing test report window.
Enable Tests : Allows tests written in the definitions window to evaluate when the program is Run. Tests can be disabled using the Disable Tests menu item.
3.1.6 Insert
Insert Comment Box : Inserts a box that is ignored by DrRacket; use it to write comments for people who read your program.
Insert Image... : Opens a find-file dialog for selecting an image file in GIF, BMP, XBM, XPM, PNG, or JPG format. The image is treated as a value.
Insert Fraction... : Opens a dialog for a mixed-notation fraction, and inserts the given fraction into the current editor.
Insert Large Letters... : Opens a dialog for a line of text, and inserts a large version of the text (using semicolons and spaces).
Most of the dialog is self-explanatory: type in the top space to preview the semicolons in the bottom area. The numbers in the font choice item show the (relative) widths of the letter “w” in the given font to help you pick out the more boldfaced fonts (which tend to look better).
Insert λ : Inserts the symbol λ (as a Unicode character) into the program. The λ symbol is normally bound the same as lambda.
Insert XML Box : Inserts an XML; see XML Boxes and Racket Boxes for more information.
Insert Racket Box : Inserts a box to contain Racket code, typically used inside an XML box; see XML Boxes and Racket Boxes.
Insert Racket Splice Box : Inserts a box to contain Racket code, typically used inside an XML box; see also XML Boxes and Racket Boxes.
3.1.7 Windows
Bring Frame to Front... : Opens a window that lists all of the opened DrRacket frames. Selecting one of them brings the window to the front.
Most Recent Window : Toggles between the currently focused window and the one that most recently had the focus.
Additionally, after the above menu items, this menu contains an entry for each window in DrRacket. Selecting a menu item brings the corresponding window to the front.
3.1.8 Help
Help Desk : Opens the Help Desk. This is the clearing house for all documentation about DrRacket and its language.
Check for Updates... : Checks to see if a new version of DrRacket has been released.
Tool Web Sites : Provides links to web sites for installed tools.
Submit Bug Report... : The preferred mechanism for sending in bug reports to the Racket development team. It automatically collects information about your Racket installation that sometimes can help diagnose problems.
Saved Bug Reports : A submenu that holds bug reports that you’ve started editing but haven’t yet sent in.
Saved Bug Reports : A submenu that holds bug reports that you’ve started editing but haven’t yet sent in.
Configure Command Line for Racket... : This menu item is available under Mac OS and Windows.
On MacOS, after prompting you for your password, it adds a file named "racket" to "/etc/init.d/" that contains the location of the "bin" directory. This has the effect of adding that path to the default PATH environment variable (unless your shell explicitly changes the default behavior).
On Windows, it changes the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment\Path registry key to add the location of the "bin" directory. Once it finishes, newly created Command shells (cmd.exe) should have Racket in their path.
Interact with DrRacket in English : Changes DrRacket’s interface to use English; the menu item appears only when the current language is not English. Additional menu items switch DrRacket to other languages.