Modeling muscles of (biological) mice with Maya


Useful Links:


Adobe Photoshop

Quick Selection Tool:




Autodesk Maya

Polygon Modeling:,topicNumber=d28e6265

Subdivision Surfaces:,topicNumber=d28e11833

UV Texturing:,topicNumber=d28e23782


Autodesk Mudbox




NOTE: Different Maya versions may look different. However, you can use the Help system to find all the functions. Specifically, for menu items, select Help->Find MenuÉ and you can search for a menu command (shown below).




1. Project Setup


A project manages all the resources. Since we are going to have many texture files as reference images, project saves a lot of trouble of searching directories for texture files.




Select File->Set Project, and choose the project folder.


NOTE: Though not necessary, it is good to set a new ÒprojectÓ every time you start a new project.


2. Set coordinate system.


MayaÕs default coordinate system is Y-up, while a lot of other modeling tools use Z-up. Confocal data can also be seen as Z-up. So we also set MayaÕs coordinate system to Z-up for better compatibility.




Select Window->Settings/Preferences->Preferences. In the Preferences window, choose ÒSettingsÓ from the left column of categories, and select ÒZÓ as the up axis under ÒWorld Coordinate SystemÓ on the right.


NOTE: Do not forget to set this setting back to ÒYÓ when you work with your normal Maya projects. When you see your human model in a prostrate position, probably itÕs because of this setting.


3. Visualizing volumetric confocal data in Maya

***This step can be done via script, see end of step 3.5***


Different from 2D reference images, which are used for modeling human characters, confocal data are already 3D! We usually volume render 3D images, which Maya does not have a good support. However, we can implement a basic volume renderer of our own in Maya.


3.1 Create a polygon plane


NOTE: If you still have not turned off interactive creation, maybe it is the time to consider turning it off. Select Create->Polygon Primitives->and uncheck ÒInteractive CreationÓ.


Select Create->Polygon Primitives->Plane. By default, a plane is created at worldÕs center, with 10x10 subdivisions and 1x1 of size. You can set the settings before creation by clicking the square to the right of the menu command. Setting properties after creation is preferred.




Show the channel box if it is not shown. With the plane still selected, its transformation properties are shown in the channel box. Expand the creation properties of the plane by clicking on the name under ÒINPUTSÓ. We need to change several settings. Basically we want the plane the same size as the confocal image slice, and one of the corners aligned with the origin (0, 0, 0) with the plane itself in the positive XY quadrant. Now check the perspective view to see if it is transformed as described above.




If you cannot see the plane (you probably donÕt, since it is too big now), in the menu of perspective view, select View->Camera Attribute EditorÉ, and then in the Attribute Editor, change cameraÕs ÒFar Clip PlaneÓ to a larger number.




Press ÒAÓ key when the mouse cursor is within the perspective view, and it should look like the picture above.


3.2 Apply texture to the plane




Select Window->Rendering Editors->Hypershade. In Hypershade, create a ÒSurface ShaderÓ as shown below.




Double-click the icon for the newly created surface shader, to show its attribute editor.




Click the checkerboard icon to the right of property ÒOut ColorÓ, and in the ÒCreate Render NodeÓ window, select ÒFileÓ.




The file nodeÕs attribute editor will show automatically. Choose the confocal image of the first Z slice. Notice the image fileÕs path is relative. ThatÕs because we set the project earlier. If the path is not relative, Maya may not find the proper file when the project is copied from one computer to another.




Now click the Hypershader toolbar icon ÒInput and Output ConnectionsÓ, and the icons in the Work Area are clearly laid out.




Select the surface shaderÕs icon, and its attributes are loaded. Middle-drag the file nodeÕs icon to ÒOut TransparencyÓ of the surface shader.




Select the plane in the perspective view. In Hypershade, right-click-and-hold on the surface shader icon until the marking menu shows up. Without releasing the right mouse button, move mouse cursor up and choose ÒAssign Material To SelectionÓ. Hit Ò6Ó key when the mouse cursor is in the perspective view. The perspective view should look like below.






Select the surface shader again. Under ÒHardware TexturingÓ, set ÒTexture channelÓ to ÒCombined TexturesÓ, and ÒTexture ResolutionÓ to ÒHighest (256x256)Ó.


3.3 Duplicate the surface shader




In Hypershade, select the surface shader node if it is not selected. Then select HypershadeÕs menu Edit->Duplicate->Shading Network. An identical surface shader (except for name) will be created. Repeat the duplication N-2 times with N = number of confocal Z slices, so that we end up having N surface shaders in total, including the two already created.


NOTE: Menus can be torn off by clicking the dotted line at its top. ItÕs good to tear off the menu and do repeating commands.



Click ÒTextureÓ tab in Hypershade, and we can see all the file nodes. It is better to sort the icons by time, otherwise Òfile1Ó is always followed by Òfile10Ó. Double-click each icon and bring up its attribute editor. Change ÒImage NameÓ to the corresponding confocal slice image. For example Òfile10Ó is going to be the tenth slice.


3.4 Duplicate the plane


Select the plane in perspective view. Select Modify->Freeze Transformation.

Select Edit->Duplicate Special and click the square instead of the text.




In the option window, set ÒZ TranslateÓ to the distance between two confocal slices.


Set ÒNumber of copiesÓ to N-1 with N = the number of total Z slices.


Now the perspective view should look like below.



3.5 Assign textures to planes


Now we should have the same number of surface shader nodes and planes. Select each plane from the perspective view and assign the corresponding surface shader in Hypershade. Then you have implemented a volume renderer for confocal data in Maya!


USING A SCRIPT: Most of the repetitive work above can be done with MayaÕs script language, MEL. If you happen to know Python, you can also use it to automate the job. For your convenience, a MEL is provided and you can download it here. To run the script, copy its code to MayaÕs ÒScript EditorÓ, read the code and make sure you understand, modify the variables in the code, and click ÒExecute AllÓ button in the toolbar. You still need to set far clip plane of the perspective camera and the texture resolutions. Refer 3.6 for setting texture resolutions.


Example of settings:

int $isizex=2765;//width of one z slice(unit=pixels)

int $isizey=4506;//height of one z slice(unit=pixels)

float $fspcz=16;//space between two neighboring z slices(unit=pixels)

int $iznum=29;//total number of z slices


3.6 Manually increase texture resolution


Open Hypershade by selecting Windowˆ Rendering Editorsˆ Hypershade

Select first surface shader node. Double click the node to open Attribute Editor. Go to Hardware Texturing, and then select Texture Resolution. For muscles, we use the highest available setting (256x256). Select surface shader nodes one at a time and change the Texture Resolution. For tendons and nerves, we make the resolution even higher (Windowˆ General Editorsˆ Attribute Spread Sheet; The last column is Resolution. We set this to 1024 for tendons and nerves).


NOTE: increasing the texture resolution consumes more graphics memory. Keep the settings low if you are using low-level graphics cards.


3.7 Group the stacked confocal images


Open Outliner by selecting Windowˆ Outliner. Then select all planes in the Outliner. To group the selected planes, select Editˆ Group.

Open Channel Box/Layer Editor, under the Display tab of the Layer Editor, create a new layer and rename the layer ÒConfocalÓ (or whatever you choose).


4. Create a prototype muscle


In this example, we will create a spindle-shaped muscle, which is used as a prototype for further modeling of different muscles.


4.1 Creating a rough model




Create a polygon cube. Set its XYZ subdivisions to 4. Scale properly and make it look like above.




Right-click-and-hold on the cube until the marking menu shows up. Select ÒVertexÓ to go to the component mode. Move the vertices of its two ends and make a shape as above.


4.2 Smooth the model




Select the object from the marking menu. Make sure the menu set is set to ÒPolygonsÓ. Then select Mesh->Sculpt Geometry Tool, and choose ÒRelaxÓ as the Operation under ÒSculpt ParametersÓ of the Tool Settings. Adjust the brush radius to a proper value and paint on the cube mode. Smooth angular edges and make them smooth as above.


4.3 Create UVs




Make sure the menu set is set to ÒPolygonsÓ. Select Create UVs->Cylindrical Mapping. Modify the cylindrical mapping gizmo and make it look like above.




Select Window->UV Texture Editor and open the texture editor.




Select ÒUVÓ from the marking menu and fix the UV as above.


4.4 Convert the model to Subdiv




Go to object mode again and select Modify->Convert->Polygons to Subdiv. Hit Ò3Ó on keyboard. It is now smoothed as above.




Use the marking menu can choose ÒPolygonÓ. Then use the marking menu again and choose ÒVertexÓ. It should look like above. The prototype muscle has been created.


NOTE: A prototype model can be downloaded here (if you have a Maya of version earlier than 2012, try this one).


Use the prototype model for spindle-shaped muscles. Import the prototype muscle into the volume renderer generated in Section 3. It may be too small compared to the planes. Scale, rotate and translate it to fit the reference image. Tweak the vertices and model its shape.


5. Modeling structures of general shapes


For structures that canÕt be easily modeled from the prototype muscle, we use more general modeling approaches. Here is an example of modeling a muscle from a box.


5.1 Create a box



Create a polygon cube. Keep its XYZ subdivisions to 1. Translate, rotate, and scale the box to cover just part of the muscle.



Go to vertex component mode. Move the vertices of the box so that matches the part of the muscle it covers.


5.2 Extrude the faces of the box


Right-click-and-hold on the object. Select Faces.

To extrude the selected face, select Edit Meshˆ Extrude.



Select the Move tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen.



Repeat extruding faces until your polygon model approximates the confocal rendering.



Making the model more transparent can help with modeling. You can do so by first go to Windowˆ General Editorsˆ Hypershade, then select the shader of the model. Set the transparency of the shader in its attribute editor.


Delete the histories on finishing the model. To delete history, select Editˆ Delete by all typeˆ History. The history will no longer appear in the Channel Box/Layer Editor.


6. UV unwrapping and finalize the model


6.1 Unwrap UVs


To apply a texture onto a polygon model, you must first unwrap the existing UVs. UVs, or texture coordinates are generated by projecting the vertices of the polygon model to a 2D plane. Here we use MayaÕs Automatic Projection first and stitch the UVs together.



For an Automatic Projection: Go into object mode and select the object. Then select Create UVsˆAutomatic Projection, select 6 planes, which will create 6 planar projections, and select ÒOptimize for fewer piecesÓ.



To see the UVs, open the UV Texture Editor by selecting Windowˆ UV Texture Editor. The model will look like a puzzle, and it will need to be pieced back together.



In the UV Texture Editor window, you can select an edge of one of the Òpuzzle pieces,Ó and it will be highlighted, as will its corresponding edge. Then use the ÒMove and Sew Selected EdgesÓ button to stitch together the pieces.



When all the UV pieces are stitched together, move the stitched together flat model back into the unit square in the window. Make sure all the UVs are within the range of the unit square.



To check the quality of the UV unwrapping; Windowˆ General Editorsˆ Hypershade. Select Lambert, and set its surface to the checkered pattern and the color to red. Look at the effect of checkering on the model.


6.2 Convert the polygon model to a subdivision surface


Select the polygon model and make sure itÕs in object mode.



Select Modifyˆ Convertˆ Polygon to SubDiv.



Hit Ò3Ó on keyboard. It is now smoothed as above.


6.3 Fine tuning of model shape



Use the marking menu can choose ÒPolygonÓ. Then use the marking menu again and choose ÒVertexÓ. It should look like above.


Use the vertices to further adjust the model.


7. Texture


7.1 Create texture in Photoshop.


Create a new Photoshop file. Set the resolution to 2048x2048.



Draw fibers based on volume rendering of the muscle.


7.2 Export the model from Maya as OBJ


In Maya, select the subdivision surface that we want to export, and then select Modifyˆ Convertˆ SubDiv to Polygons (Select square for creation options). Set the options to: Uniform tessellation, Level 3, and then click Convert.


Fileˆ Export Selectionˆ Export the OBJ file.


7.3 Paint texture in Mudbox


Open Mudbox.



Open OBJ file of model.



In object list, select the model and right click on the selection. From the popup menu, select Assign New MaterialˆMudbox Material. Now we created a new material for the model.



In the material property box, select ÒAll channelsÓ for ÒOpacity AffectsÓ.



In the Layers panel, select Paint Layers. Click the ÒCreate new paint layerÓ button to create a new paint layer. Set the paint layer type as ÒDiffuseÓ.


In the case of limb muscles and tendons, it is important to paint transparency on tendons (while in Mudbox) so that the muscle and tendon intersect properly. To create an opacity layer, do the same as creating the diffuse layer, but choose the paint layer type as ÒOpacityÓ.



Now we need to use the projection brush to paint the texture. Select Paint Toolsˆ Projection.



Select the image browser tab and then open the folder with the texture file in it. Select texture file within Mudbox and click ÒSet StencilÓ



Orient the texture on the model.



Paint the texture.



Save the Mudbox project after painting.


8. Ready the models for FluoRender



Find the diffuse and opacity (if present) files within MudboxÕs project folder, and open them in Photoshop.



Use the opacity files as the alpha channel of the diffuse file.



Add a new layer to the diffuse file. Use the bucket tool to fill a solid color to the new layer.



Set the blend mode of the new layer to ÒColorÓ.



Flatten the layers and save it as a TGA file.


Put OBJ, MTL, and TGA files in the same folder. Use a text editor to open the OBJ file and the MTL file.


Edit the MTL file as follows:


newmtl lambert

illum 4

Kd 0.00 0.00 0.00

Ka 0.00 0.00 0.00

Tf 1.00 1.00 1.00

map_Kd [the TGA file name]

Ni 1.00


Find the line starting with ÒusemtlÓ in the OBJ file, and replace the material name after to ÒlambertÓ.


Now the OBJ file can be opened in FluoRender, with its material and texture properly linked.