CS 5320
Fall Semester 2012

Problem 9-3

Assigned: 30 October 2012
Due: 15 November 2012

Implement Algorithm 16.3 as a Matlab function:

function p = CV_M_step(params,support,imf)
%CV_M_step- compute M Step of EM algorithm
%On input:
%     params (gx1 array): parameters of class models defined by alpha, mu, and sigma
%          params(i).alpha, params(i).mu, params(i).sigma
%     support (mxnxg array): In band g, likelihood that pixel belongs to class g
%     imf (mxnxp array): Feature image
%On output:
%     p (gx1 vector): Updated parameters of models
%     p_next =  CV_M_step(p_prev,support);
%     Your name
%     UU
%     Fall 2012