CS 5320

Fall Semester 2012


Problem 9-1


Assigned: 30 October 2012

Due: 15 November 2012


Implement Algorithm 16.1 as a Matlab function:

function [params,support] = CV_EM(fim,num_segs,thresh)
%CV_EM - EM Algorithm for Color and Texture Feature image
%On input:
%     fim (mxnxp array): input feature image
%     num_segs (int): number of classes
%     thresh (float): convergence threshold
%On output:
%     params (gx1 vector): g classes characterized by (alpha,mu,sigma) defined as fields
%     support (mxnxg image): each band, g,  gives the pixel's likelihood to be in class g
%     [po,s] = CV_EM(im2_f,params];
%     Your name
%     UU
%     Fall 2012