CV Full CV

General Information

Full Name Amir Mohammad Tavakkoli
Languages English, Farsi


  • 2022-2027
    Ph.D., Computer Science
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
    • Working on data-layout optimization and GPU code generation in MLIR, advised by Prof. Mary Hall
    • Relevant coursework: Parallel Algorithms, Adv. OS Implementation, High-Performance Machine Learning, Parallel Programming for Many-Core Architectures, Software Verification, Scientific and Data Computing
  • 2018-2022
    B.Sc., Computer Engineering
    Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
    • CGPA 19.16/20 (4.0/4.0)
    • Dean’s List for eight semesters. (Ranked 1st in the class 2022)
    • Relevant coursework: GPU Programming, Parallel Algorithms, Linear Algebra, Computer Graphics


  • Sep 2020 - Aug 2022
    Cloud Engineer
    Derak Cloud Co., Shiraz, Iran
    • Developing and implementing authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) with dynamic design decision support for cloud products such as CDN, Streaming, and IaaS with over 30000 active services. Developing an IP geolocation microservice with 1ms response time using Routing Information Service (RIS) databases for edge systems.
    • Experience in automation and designing and implementing service pipeline orchestration algorithms for cloud services such as CDN, IaaS, and streaming in Python, Ansible, XenAPI and FFMPEG. Setting up CI/CD pipelines and Dockerizing projects and developing a single unified command line interface for maintaining and scaling all services
    • Experience in implementing a Vue.js user administrative dashboard for cloud computing infrastructures
  • Sep 2019 - Oct 2020
    Software Developer
    Break Time In University, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
    • Implementing a new panel for managing 400 students and 10 members on the event day using Vue.j and Django and deployed as a cross-platform application using PWA technology.
  • July 2019 - Sep 2019
    Machine Learning Internship
    Deed Asia, Shiraz, Iran
    • Implementing OCR and YOLO on NPUs. Technologies used are OpenCV and Keras.


Programming Languages C, C++, Python, Go, Java, Rust, JavaScript, and Dart
Compiler Infrastructure TVM, LLVM, IREE and MLIR
High-Performance Computing CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI.
Machine Learning Frameworks Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, and PyTorch
Container Orchestration Docker, Swarm, and Kubernetes
Graphic Libraries NVIDIA OptiX, OpenGL, GLSL, and SDL
Database Technologies MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis
Web/Application Development Vue.js, Express.js, Flutter, Progressive Web Applications (PWA)
Operating Systems Linux-based operating systems
Project Management Agile software development (SCRUM), Git, Trello, and Slack

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    Recipient of Graduate Assistantship
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
  • 2020
    Ranked First In The First Technical Footsteps Competition
    I.D.E.A., Shiraz, Iran
  • 2018
    Dean's List
    Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
  • 2018
    Member of Exceptional Talents Organization
    Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


  • Nov 2020 - Nov 2021
    ACM Chapter Vice-Chairman
    Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
  • Sep 2019 - Oct 2020
    CSE Scientific Association Chair of the Board
    Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
  • Sep 2018 - Sep 2019
    ACM Chapter Board Member
    Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran