
Best paper finalist by Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) Conference, 2015.

Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL) Award for 3D Reconstruction for Elevator Replacement business, 2015.

R&D 100 Award by R&D Magazine for our contribution to the MELFA 3D vision product, 2014.

Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL) Directors' Award for 3D Reconstruction using both points and planes for hand-held sensors, 2014.

Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL) Award for Pose Estimation using Micro3D Light Scanner, 2013.

Outstanding Reviewer Award, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013.

Best Reviewer Award, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012.

Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL) Directors' Award for Robotic Bin Picking, 2009.

Honorable Mention AFRIF Thesis Award, French Association for Pattern Recognition, 2007.

Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award Finalist from France in 2007.

INPG Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, Thesis Title: Generic Imaging Models: Calibration and 3D Reconstruction Algorithms, December 2006.

Marie Curie Visitor Scholarship for Doctoral Studies at INRIA Rhone-Alpes, European Union, 2005.