CS 4440 Wiki:
All Things CS 4440

This Wiki is here to help you with all things CS 4440: from setting up your VM to introducing the languages and tools that you'll use. Check back here throughout the semester for future updates.

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Tutorials and Cheat Sheets

Page Description
VM Setup & Troubleshooting Instructions for setting up your CS 4440 Virtual Machine (VM).
Terminal Cheat Sheet Navigating the terminal, manipulating files, and other helpful tricks.
Python 3 Cheat Sheet A gentle introduction to Python 3 programming.
x86 Assembly Cheat Sheet Common x86 instructions and instruction procedures.
C Cheat Sheet Information on C functions, and storing and reading data.
GDB Cheat Sheet A quick reference for useful GNU Debugger (GDB) commands.
JavaScript Cheat Sheet A gentle introduction to relevant JavaScript commands.

Software Documentation

Page Description
PyMD5 Documentation A Python module for manipulating MD5 objects.
PyRoots Documentation A handy Python module for working with large integers.
BUNGLE Site Documentation An overview of the website you'll attack in Project 3.