We (Dave, Judy, John, and Eric) lived in Settat, Morocco from the summer of 1984 through the summer of 1987, while Dave worked for the Dryland Farming Project. Eric was in 5th-7th grade and John was in 7th-9th grade. Settat is on the road between Casablanca and Marrakech, about an hour south of Casablanca; it's circled in red on this map.
I (John) took lots of pictures with an old Mamiya SLR; we had a large supply of black and white film that I developed in a makeshift darkroom in the basement. Unfortunately we didn't have an enlarger so generally all I saw were contact prints. This bothered me on and off until the fall of 1999 when I had around 300 negatives scanned to PhotoCD.
I've picked out some of the more interesting pictures and loosely categorized them; I plan to add captions as time permits. The pictures from Europe are from the same time period; we took a car ferry across the Straits of Gibraltar several times.
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Last modified: Fri Jan 5 11:30:47 2001