Mattia Medina Grespanmattiamg at cs dot utah dot edu Bio I am a PhD student in the Kahlert School of Computing at the University of Utah advised by Prof. Vivek Srikumar. My areas of interest are Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Under these general topics, my research currently focuses in Knowledge Aided Learning, and NLP in Mental Health. I obtained my BSc and MSc degrees from the Mathematics Deparment of the Universidad de Los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela. The field of research for my undergraduate and master's theses was Belief Dynamics. In these works, both under the supervision of Prof. Ramón Pino Pérez, we studied Iterated Belief Revision methods, and Belief Improvement Operators as their generalization. Papers/Articles Logic-driven Indirect Supervision: An Application to Crisis Counseling. Mattia Medina Grespan, Meghan Broadbent, Xinyao Zhang, Kate Axford, Brent Kious, Zac Imel, and Vivek Srikumar. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’23), 2023. [Link] A machine learning approach to identifying suicide risk among text-based crisis counseling encounters. Meghan Broadbent, Mattia Medina Grespan, Kate Axford, Xinyao Zhang, Brent Kious, Zac Imel, and Vivek Srikumar. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2023. [Link] Evaluating Relaxations of Logic for Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Study. Mattia Medina Grespan, Ashim Gupta, and Vivek Srikumar. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), 2021. [Link] Representation of basic improvement operators. Mattia Medina Grespan and Ramón Pino Pérez. Trends in Belief Revision and Argumentation Dynamics. 195–227, College Publications, Oxford, 2013. [Link] Taxonomy of Improvement Operators and the Problem of Minimal Change. Sébastien Konieczny, Mattia Medina Grespan and Ramón Pino Pérez. Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-10), 2010. [Link]
Conference Posters Feasibility of an Automatic System Assessing Crisis Counselors' Use of Interventions via Large Language Models. Mattia Medina Grespan, Xinyao Zhang, Brent Kious, Vivek Srikumar, Zac Imel. Suicide Research Symposium, 2024. [Link] Predicting Client Dropout in Text-based Crisis Hotline using Natural Language Processing. Xinyao Zhang, Mattia Medina Grespan, Brent Kious, Zac Imel, Vivek Srikumar. Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR-22), 2022. [Link] Machine learning based evaluation of suicide risk assessment in text-based crisis counseling. Mattia Medina Grespan, Meghan Broadbent, Brent Kious, Alison Lake, Madelyn Gould, Zac Imel, Vivek Srikumar. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT-21), 2021. [Link] Theses Operadores de Mejoramiento de Creencias. Mattia Medina Grespan. Thesis for MSc degree in Mathematics. November 2013. [Link] Sobre la Revisión Iterada de Creencias. Mattia Medina Grespan. Undergraduate Thesis for BSc degree in Mathematics. April, 2008. [Link] Internships Intern in Research and Innovation for applied AI and Bioinformatics. ARUP Laboratories. Jun-Oct, 2024. Salt Lake City, Utah. Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Data Visualization Intern. Sparrow AI. May-August, 2019. Lehi, Utah. Identity and Access Management Intern at the University of Utah Information Technology department. Salt Lake City, Utah - July 2018 - August 2018. Teaching Teaching Mentee for the Natural Language Processing course (CS 6340 - Mentor: Prof. Ellen Riloff). School of Computing at the University of Utah. Fall 2021. Salt Lake City, Utah. Teaching Mentee for the Machine Learning course (CS 6350 - Mentor: Prof. Vivek Srikumar). School of Computing at the University of Utah. Fall 2020. Salt Lake City, Utah. Teaching Assistant for the Machine Learning course (CS 6350). School of Computing at the University of Utah. Fall 2019. Salt Lake City, Utah. Teaching Assistant for the Data Mining course (CS 6140). School of Computing at the University of Utah. Spring 2019. Salt Lake City, Utah. Teaching Assistant for the Machine Learning course (CS 6350). School of Computing at the University of Utah. Fall 2018. Salt Lake City, Utah. Mathematics Mentor for the afterschool program for 7th-12th grade students. American Preparatory Academy. August 2017 - May 2018. West Valley, Utah. Mathematics and Science Teacher for 7th-9th grade students. Casa Y Taller Montessori. February 2016 - November 2016. San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Teaching Mentee and Research Assistant as part of the Plan II (a merit scholarship program to prepare future University Professors) for the subjects: Discrete Mathematics, Elements I (Algebra Foundations), Elements II (Introduction to Mathematical Logic). Universidad de Los Andes. February 2011-February 2013. Mérida, Venezuela. Graduate Teaching Assistant for the courses: Math Workshop II (Solving problems using logical reasoning) and Calculus I. Universidad de Los Andes. September 2008-February 2010. Mérida, Venezuela. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for the course Digital Programming and Algorithmic Design: Coding workshops using Turbo Pascal and pseudo algorithm design. University of The Andes. September 2006-February 2007. Mérida, Venezuela
Extracurricular I'm in a rock 'n' roll band! Our music is available here.
“There is no language without deceit.” - Italo Calvino