CS4480: Computer Networks - Spring 2025
Instructor: Prof. Kobus Van der Merwe
M, W 1:25 PM - 2:45 PM, CTIHB 109 (Irish Humanities Building)
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of computer communication networks including the design and implementation of the Internet, its protocols and applications. Topics to be covered include: layered network architectures, applications, network programming interfaces (i.e., sockets), transport, congestion control, routing and data link protocols, local area networks, and selected topics in mobile and wireless networking.
Text Book:
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (8th Edition) by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Pearson.
Full Major status in Computer Science or Computer Engineering
and "C-" or better in CS 3500.
Additional requirements:
Students are expected to be comfortable working in the Unix/Linux operating system environment, and be able to program in a structured high-level programming language, such as Python. (The textbook uses Python examples and all programming assignments can be completed in Python and shell scripting.)
More Details:
Here is a more detailed syllabus.
Course website:
The course Canvas website is here.