Locomotion Interfaces
Locomotion interfaces are energy-extractive devices that, in a
confined space, simulate unrestrained human mobility such as walking
and running for virtual reality. Locomotion interfaces overcome
limitations of using joysticks for maneuvering or whole-body motion
platforms, in which the user is seated and does not expend energy, and
of room environments, where only short distances can be traversed.
Their use yields realistic navigation and engagement in modeled worlds
and an enhanced sense of spatial layout.
Our experimental platform is the Sarcos Treadport, a unique locomotion
interface that comprises a large tilting treadmill, an active
mechanical tether, and a CAVE-like visual display. Highly
interdisciplinary teams of investigators seek to make the locomotion
experience as realistic as possible. Of its hypothetical uses,
rehabilitation applications are actively being researched.
Locomotion Display
Locomotion display is the presentation of mechanical stimuli to
simulate the various aspects of natural locomotion. Our research
focuses on the use of the Sarcos Treadport's active mechanical tether
to achieve a variety of locomotion aspects.
Atmospheric Display
It has been argued that a totality of sensory effects, mutually
reinforcing, is required for immersion, otherwise a missing sense will
veto the immersive experience. A significant aspect missing from
virtual environments is atmospheric display, particularly wind and
smell. The Treadport Active Wind Tunnel (TPAWT pronounced teapot)
project is the first to attempt to build a three-dimensional wind
tunnel within the Treadport confines, in order to generate controlled
wind from any direction on the user.
Rehabilitation Applications
One way of looking at the Treadport Locomotion Interface is as a
realistic simulation of real-world walking in a safe environment. Two
potential applications in rehabilitation are being pursued: incomplete
spinal cord injuries and Parkinsons disease, sponsored by the
following NSF grants.