Statistics Examples

We’ll use the Old Faithful data that comes with R, type just “faithful” and hit enter to see the raw data

##     eruptions waiting
## 1       3.600      79
## 2       1.800      54
## 3       3.333      74
## 4       2.283      62
## 5       4.533      85
## 6       2.883      55
## 7       4.700      88
## 8       3.600      85
## 9       1.950      51
## 10      4.350      85
## 11      1.833      54
## 12      3.917      84
## 13      4.200      78
## 14      1.750      47
## 15      4.700      83
## 16      2.167      52
## 17      1.750      62
## 18      4.800      84
## 19      1.600      52
## 20      4.250      79
## 21      1.800      51
## 22      1.750      47
## 23      3.450      78
## 24      3.067      69
## 25      4.533      74
## 26      3.600      83
## 27      1.967      55
## 28      4.083      76
## 29      3.850      78
## 30      4.433      79
## 31      4.300      73
## 32      4.467      77
## 33      3.367      66
## 34      4.033      80
## 35      3.833      74
## 36      2.017      52
## 37      1.867      48
## 38      4.833      80
## 39      1.833      59
## 40      4.783      90
## 41      4.350      80
## 42      1.883      58
## 43      4.567      84
## 44      1.750      58
## 45      4.533      73
## 46      3.317      83
## 47      3.833      64
## 48      2.100      53
## 49      4.633      82
## 50      2.000      59
## 51      4.800      75
## 52      4.716      90
## 53      1.833      54
## 54      4.833      80
## 55      1.733      54
## 56      4.883      83
## 57      3.717      71
## 58      1.667      64
## 59      4.567      77
## 60      4.317      81
## 61      2.233      59
## 62      4.500      84
## 63      1.750      48
## 64      4.800      82
## 65      1.817      60
## 66      4.400      92
## 67      4.167      78
## 68      4.700      78
## 69      2.067      65
## 70      4.700      73
## 71      4.033      82
## 72      1.967      56
## 73      4.500      79
## 74      4.000      71
## 75      1.983      62
## 76      5.067      76
## 77      2.017      60
## 78      4.567      78
## 79      3.883      76
## 80      3.600      83
## 81      4.133      75
## 82      4.333      82
## 83      4.100      70
## 84      2.633      65
## 85      4.067      73
## 86      4.933      88
## 87      3.950      76
## 88      4.517      80
## 89      2.167      48
## 90      4.000      86
## 91      2.200      60
## 92      4.333      90
## 93      1.867      50
## 94      4.817      78
## 95      1.833      63
## 96      4.300      72
## 97      4.667      84
## 98      3.750      75
## 99      1.867      51
## 100     4.900      82
## 101     2.483      62
## 102     4.367      88
## 103     2.100      49
## 104     4.500      83
## 105     4.050      81
## 106     1.867      47
## 107     4.700      84
## 108     1.783      52
## 109     4.850      86
## 110     3.683      81
## 111     4.733      75
## 112     2.300      59
## 113     4.900      89
## 114     4.417      79
## 115     1.700      59
## 116     4.633      81
## 117     2.317      50
## 118     4.600      85
## 119     1.817      59
## 120     4.417      87
## 121     2.617      53
## 122     4.067      69
## 123     4.250      77
## 124     1.967      56
## 125     4.600      88
## 126     3.767      81
## 127     1.917      45
## 128     4.500      82
## 129     2.267      55
## 130     4.650      90
## 131     1.867      45
## 132     4.167      83
## 133     2.800      56
## 134     4.333      89
## 135     1.833      46
## 136     4.383      82
## 137     1.883      51
## 138     4.933      86
## 139     2.033      53
## 140     3.733      79
## 141     4.233      81
## 142     2.233      60
## 143     4.533      82
## 144     4.817      77
## 145     4.333      76
## 146     1.983      59
## 147     4.633      80
## 148     2.017      49
## 149     5.100      96
## 150     1.800      53
## 151     5.033      77
## 152     4.000      77
## 153     2.400      65
## 154     4.600      81
## 155     3.567      71
## 156     4.000      70
## 157     4.500      81
## 158     4.083      93
## 159     1.800      53
## 160     3.967      89
## 161     2.200      45
## 162     4.150      86
## 163     2.000      58
## 164     3.833      78
## 165     3.500      66
## 166     4.583      76
## 167     2.367      63
## 168     5.000      88
## 169     1.933      52
## 170     4.617      93
## 171     1.917      49
## 172     2.083      57
## 173     4.583      77
## 174     3.333      68
## 175     4.167      81
## 176     4.333      81
## 177     4.500      73
## 178     2.417      50
## 179     4.000      85
## 180     4.167      74
## 181     1.883      55
## 182     4.583      77
## 183     4.250      83
## 184     3.767      83
## 185     2.033      51
## 186     4.433      78
## 187     4.083      84
## 188     1.833      46
## 189     4.417      83
## 190     2.183      55
## 191     4.800      81
## 192     1.833      57
## 193     4.800      76
## 194     4.100      84
## 195     3.966      77
## 196     4.233      81
## 197     3.500      87
## 198     4.366      77
## 199     2.250      51
## 200     4.667      78
## 201     2.100      60
## 202     4.350      82
## 203     4.133      91
## 204     1.867      53
## 205     4.600      78
## 206     1.783      46
## 207     4.367      77
## 208     3.850      84
## 209     1.933      49
## 210     4.500      83
## 211     2.383      71
## 212     4.700      80
## 213     1.867      49
## 214     3.833      75
## 215     3.417      64
## 216     4.233      76
## 217     2.400      53
## 218     4.800      94
## 219     2.000      55
## 220     4.150      76
## 221     1.867      50
## 222     4.267      82
## 223     1.750      54
## 224     4.483      75
## 225     4.000      78
## 226     4.117      79
## 227     4.083      78
## 228     4.267      78
## 229     3.917      70
## 230     4.550      79
## 231     4.083      70
## 232     2.417      54
## 233     4.183      86
## 234     2.217      50
## 235     4.450      90
## 236     1.883      54
## 237     1.850      54
## 238     4.283      77
## 239     3.950      79
## 240     2.333      64
## 241     4.150      75
## 242     2.350      47
## 243     4.933      86
## 244     2.900      63
## 245     4.583      85
## 246     3.833      82
## 247     2.083      57
## 248     4.367      82
## 249     2.133      67
## 250     4.350      74
## 251     2.200      54
## 252     4.450      83
## 253     3.567      73
## 254     4.500      73
## 255     4.150      88
## 256     3.817      80
## 257     3.917      71
## 258     4.450      83
## 259     2.000      56
## 260     4.283      79
## 261     4.767      78
## 262     4.533      84
## 263     1.850      58
## 264     4.250      83
## 265     1.983      43
## 266     2.250      60
## 267     4.750      75
## 268     4.117      81
## 269     2.150      46
## 270     4.417      90
## 271     1.817      46
## 272     4.467      74

To get information on this data, see the help file


Notice this is a “data frame” in R, which just means a table of data with named columns. To retrieve a single column, use the “$” operator:

##   [1] 3.600 1.800 3.333 2.283 4.533 2.883 4.700 3.600 1.950 4.350 1.833 3.917
##  [13] 4.200 1.750 4.700 2.167 1.750 4.800 1.600 4.250 1.800 1.750 3.450 3.067
##  [25] 4.533 3.600 1.967 4.083 3.850 4.433 4.300 4.467 3.367 4.033 3.833 2.017
##  [37] 1.867 4.833 1.833 4.783 4.350 1.883 4.567 1.750 4.533 3.317 3.833 2.100
##  [49] 4.633 2.000 4.800 4.716 1.833 4.833 1.733 4.883 3.717 1.667 4.567 4.317
##  [61] 2.233 4.500 1.750 4.800 1.817 4.400 4.167 4.700 2.067 4.700 4.033 1.967
##  [73] 4.500 4.000 1.983 5.067 2.017 4.567 3.883 3.600 4.133 4.333 4.100 2.633
##  [85] 4.067 4.933 3.950 4.517 2.167 4.000 2.200 4.333 1.867 4.817 1.833 4.300
##  [97] 4.667 3.750 1.867 4.900 2.483 4.367 2.100 4.500 4.050 1.867 4.700 1.783
## [109] 4.850 3.683 4.733 2.300 4.900 4.417 1.700 4.633 2.317 4.600 1.817 4.417
## [121] 2.617 4.067 4.250 1.967 4.600 3.767 1.917 4.500 2.267 4.650 1.867 4.167
## [133] 2.800 4.333 1.833 4.383 1.883 4.933 2.033 3.733 4.233 2.233 4.533 4.817
## [145] 4.333 1.983 4.633 2.017 5.100 1.800 5.033 4.000 2.400 4.600 3.567 4.000
## [157] 4.500 4.083 1.800 3.967 2.200 4.150 2.000 3.833 3.500 4.583 2.367 5.000
## [169] 1.933 4.617 1.917 2.083 4.583 3.333 4.167 4.333 4.500 2.417 4.000 4.167
## [181] 1.883 4.583 4.250 3.767 2.033 4.433 4.083 1.833 4.417 2.183 4.800 1.833
## [193] 4.800 4.100 3.966 4.233 3.500 4.366 2.250 4.667 2.100 4.350 4.133 1.867
## [205] 4.600 1.783 4.367 3.850 1.933 4.500 2.383 4.700 1.867 3.833 3.417 4.233
## [217] 2.400 4.800 2.000 4.150 1.867 4.267 1.750 4.483 4.000 4.117 4.083 4.267
## [229] 3.917 4.550 4.083 2.417 4.183 2.217 4.450 1.883 1.850 4.283 3.950 2.333
## [241] 4.150 2.350 4.933 2.900 4.583 3.833 2.083 4.367 2.133 4.350 2.200 4.450
## [253] 3.567 4.500 4.150 3.817 3.917 4.450 2.000 4.283 4.767 4.533 1.850 4.250
## [265] 1.983 2.250 4.750 4.117 2.150 4.417 1.817 4.467
##   [1] 79 54 74 62 85 55 88 85 51 85 54 84 78 47 83 52 62 84 52 79 51 47 78 69 74
##  [26] 83 55 76 78 79 73 77 66 80 74 52 48 80 59 90 80 58 84 58 73 83 64 53 82 59
##  [51] 75 90 54 80 54 83 71 64 77 81 59 84 48 82 60 92 78 78 65 73 82 56 79 71 62
##  [76] 76 60 78 76 83 75 82 70 65 73 88 76 80 48 86 60 90 50 78 63 72 84 75 51 82
## [101] 62 88 49 83 81 47 84 52 86 81 75 59 89 79 59 81 50 85 59 87 53 69 77 56 88
## [126] 81 45 82 55 90 45 83 56 89 46 82 51 86 53 79 81 60 82 77 76 59 80 49 96 53
## [151] 77 77 65 81 71 70 81 93 53 89 45 86 58 78 66 76 63 88 52 93 49 57 77 68 81
## [176] 81 73 50 85 74 55 77 83 83 51 78 84 46 83 55 81 57 76 84 77 81 87 77 51 78
## [201] 60 82 91 53 78 46 77 84 49 83 71 80 49 75 64 76 53 94 55 76 50 82 54 75 78
## [226] 79 78 78 70 79 70 54 86 50 90 54 54 77 79 64 75 47 86 63 85 82 57 82 67 74
## [251] 54 83 73 73 88 80 71 83 56 79 78 84 58 83 43 60 75 81 46 90 46 74

The “summary” command in R will give you some basic statistics

##    eruptions        waiting    
##  Min.   :1.600   Min.   :43.0  
##  1st Qu.:2.163   1st Qu.:58.0  
##  Median :4.000   Median :76.0  
##  Mean   :3.488   Mean   :70.9  
##  3rd Qu.:4.454   3rd Qu.:82.0  
##  Max.   :5.100   Max.   :96.0

The usual sample statistics are also commands:

mean(faithful$eruptions)   # mean
## [1] 3.487783
median(faithful$eruptions) # median
## [1] 4
var(faithful$eruptions)    # variance
## [1] 1.302728
sd(faithful$eruptions)     # standard deviation
## [1] 1.141371

We can look at joint statistics such as sample covariance and correlation also

cov(faithful$waiting, faithful$eruptions)
## [1] 13.97781
cor(faithful$waiting, faithful$eruptions)
## [1] 0.9008112

As a first visualization, we could look at the histogram

hist(faithful$eruptions, main="Histogram of Old Faithful Eruption Time")

The empirical cdf is plotted using the “ecdf” command

plot(ecdf(faithful$eruptions), cex.points=0.5, main="Empirical CDF for Old Faithful Eruption Time")

Here’s how to do box plots:

boxplot(faithful$eruptions, main="Box Plot of Old Faithful Eruption Time")

Scatter plots are useful for looking at two random variables, X, Y, and their relationships

plot(faithful$eruptions, faithful$waiting, main="Scatter Plot of Old Faithful Waiting vs Eruption Times")

Speed of Light Data

This example is taken from Wikipedia. It is a box plot of the Michelson-Morley speed of light experiments

morley$Expt <- factor(morley$Expt)
par(las=1, mar=c(5.1, 5.1, 2.1, 2.1))
boxplot(Speed ~ Expt, morley, xlab = "Experiment No.",
        ylab="Speed of light (km/s minus 299,000)")
abline(h=792.458, col="red")

Another nice example of a box plot is at the bottom of the help page for boxplot
