Hari Sundar

While exploring algorithms for constructing and balancing $k$D-trees, I decided to implement in Haskell. For those of you who dont know, Haskell is a purely-functional programming language.

Lets first implement a structure to store a $d$-dimensional node. Here the anchor is the $d$ dimensional array that holds the coordinate of the lowest corner. We also store the depth of the node as well as the maximum allowed depth, the maxDepth which by convention we choose to be $2^n - 1$.

-- Node with Morton Ordering 
data Node   = Node {
  anchor    :: [Int] ,
  depth     ::  Int  ,
  maxDepth  ::  Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
We also define a comparison function for `Node`. Here the first case is for the case when the two nodes are identical, the second for the case when the anchors are the same; in which case we compare their respective `depth`s masked (using the bitwise and operator `.&.`) with `maxDepth`.
-- comparison 
instance Ord Node where 
  compare (Node a1 d1 m1) (Node a2 d2 m2) 
    | a1 == a2 && d1 == d2 && m1 == m2  = EQ
    | a1 == a2   = (d1 .&. m1) `compare` (d2 .&. m2)
    | otherwise  = let maxC = head $ foldl dom_dim [] $ zipWith xor a1 a2
                       in (a1 !! maxC) `compare` (a2 !! maxC)

The final case is where the magic happens and it illustrates the power of functional languages like Haskell. First we xor the a1 and a2 along each dimensions, to figure out by which bits they differ along each dimension. We fold over this array using the helper function dom_dim, that determines the dominant dimension. The head of the resulting folded array contains the index of the dominant dimension, which is then used to compare a1 and a2.

-- helper function 
dom_dim :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] 
dom_dim [] x          = [0,x]
dom_dim (p:x:[]) y    = if (y<x && (xor y x) >= y)
                        then [p,x]
                        else [(p+1),y]
dom_dim _ _           = error "Incorrect use of dom_dim"

We also define a root constructor, that generates a ${0}^d$ anchor, with depth 0 and a user specified maxDepth.

-- convenience root nodes 
root :: Int -> Int -> Node
root 0 _    = error "Node dimension cannot be zero"
root dim md   = Node (replicate dim 0) 0 md

In order to construct the octree from a set of points, we first define some helper functions. The first, which_child takes a Node, $N$, and a point, $p\in\Re^d$, as arguments and returns the child-node of the $N$, that contains $p$. Note that the strong-typing of Haskell will ensure that $N$ is a $d$-dimensional Node.

-- returns the child octant which contains the given point
which_child :: Node -> [Double] -> Node
which_child n []  = n
which_child (Node a d md) ps = Node (zipWith lambda a ps) (d+1) md
  where lambda i x =  if floor(x*2^md) >= i+2^(md-d-1) then i + 2^(md-d-1) else i

split_nd :: Node -> [[Double]] -> Map Node [[Double]]
split_nd oct ps = M.fromListWith (++) [(lambda p, [p]) | p <- ps]
  where lambda p = which_child oct p
-- subdivide an octant using points -- till maxDepth
subdivide :: Node -> [[Double]] -> [Node]
subdivide o ps = M.foldrWithKey fold_function [] $ split_nd o ps
  where fold_function oc pss ns
          | length pss == 1       = ns ++ [oc]
          | otherwise             = ns ++ (subdivide oc pss)

and now finally,

-- build quadtree from list of points 
build_tree :: [[Double]] -> Int -> [Node]
build_tree ps md = subdivide (root (length $head ps) md) ps