Homework Assignments

Homeworks are due on midnight of the indicated due dates. There is a late penalty of 10% per day late up to two days late. Hand in through gradescope.

You must use LaTeX to produce your writeups. The LaTeX sources for each assignment will be made available to you, and you are required to use it as the basis for your answers. You may use the LaTeX source in any way you want. You can make a .pdf file out of the .tex source file by running latex (.eps figures) or pdflatex (images or pdf images). Scanned handwritten assignments will not be accepted.
Due date   Homework
19 Jan   HW1 LaTeX Files: Search
25 Jan   HW2 LaTeX Files: Minimax
1 Feb   HW3 LaTeX Files: Expectimax, Probability
8 Feb   HW4 LaTeX Files: Value and Policy Iteration
15 Feb   HW5 LaTeX Files: TD- and Q-Learning
26 Feb   HW6 LaTeX Files: Q-Learning with Function Approximation
27 Mar   HW7 LaTeX Files: D-Separation and Factors
3 Apr   HW8 LaTeX Files: Variable Elimination and Sampling
10 Apr   HW9 LaTeX Files: Value of Perfect Information