Susan in early labor.
Susan in mid-labor.
Eli Davis Johnson enters the world.
The proud parents and the new addition.
Eli prepares for his first round of tests.
Eli snoozes.
His first bath (not the way we do it at home).
Eli and Susan leave the delivery room.
David and Eli settle into our room.
Lucy holds her little brother.
Eli, Grandma Mary and Lucy get acquainted.
The Johnson men rest in the hospital.
Susan, David and Eli prepare to be discharged.
Eli's first ride in the car.
Welcome home, baby brother.
The happy family.
Lucy helps David carry Eli.
A helpful big sister.
Lucy acclimatizes Eli.
Susan and Eli get comfortable.
Eli likes his hands free for gumming at all times.
He follows his cousin Celia in his love of hats.
Naked time.
Lucy helps Eli with his first bath.
Lucy celebrates by treating the boys to her "3D dinosaur face."
Eli and David get ready for bedtime.