CS7961 - Geometric Computation for Motion Planning
CS7961 - Geometric Computation for Motion Planning
Meets: MWF 12:55-1:45 MEB 3105
Instructor: Dr. David E. Johnson
I am planning the course to use Matlab as much as possible as a
programming environment. However, I do expect that students should be
able to implement reasonably complex algorithms and test environments
using Matlab, so the basic prerequisite is some ability to program
beyond "write a function to find prime numbers".
Geometric computation is the study of practical algorithms for solving
queries about geometric properties of computer models and
relationships between computer models. Robot motion planning uses
these algorithms to formulate safe motion through a modeled
environment. In addition, algorithms for geometric computation are
used in computer animation, simulation, computer-aided design,
haptics, and virtual reality. Topics to be covered in this course are
spatial subdivision and model hierarchies, model intersection,
distance queries and distance fields, medial axis computations,
configuration space, geometric constraint solving, and motion
planning. The course will rely on lectures, readings, and projects to
provide understanding of current practices in the field.
Some things I hope students will leave this course with are:
- computational tools to solve geometric problems
- practice in implementing geometric algorithms
- the ability to read and evaluate literature in a field
- practice in conveying results to a reader or an audience
Tentative Rough Outline:
Convex objects
- intersection and distance
- Voronoi diagram
- Minkowski sum
Intersections of collections of convex objects
- spatial subdivision
- temporal coherency
Intersections of general triangular models
- Bounding volumes
- spheres
- axis aligned bounding boxes
- principal component analysis
- oriented bounding boxes
- Hiearchies
- top down
- bottom up
- general triangular models
- parametric models
- Newton's method
- Subdivision techniques
- Local vs global extrema
- Distance fields
- GPU approximations
- normal cones
Medial Axis
- Properties
- Computation
Configuration Space
- Sampling
Path Planning
- Local
- Randomized
Geometric Constraints
Application to robotics
- Moving Linkage
tool path planning?