An isosurface extraction of the bone from the visible woman data set (Parker and Shirley, data courtesy National Library of Medicine).
An isosurface extraction of the skin from the visible woman data set (Parker and Shirley, data courtesy National Library of Medicine).
An maximum intensity projection rendering of the bone from the visible woman data set (Parker and Shirley, data courtesy National Library of Medicine).
An maximum intensity projection rendering of the bone from the visible woman data set (Parker and Shirley, data courtesy National Library of Medicine).
This top-down view of the head shows the cerebral arteries within the brain. The visualization was created by a volume rendering technique that effectively allows us to view a three-dimensional data set and highlight particularlyinteresting parts of the volume. Here, we highlight the cerebral arteries in an attempt to isolate a large aneurisym on the right side of the image (Gordon Kindlmann and Peter-Pike Sloan).
In this figure we have isolated the cerebral arteries by filtering out the rest of the head and brain. The aneurisym, the ``peanut-shaped'' object on the right side of the image, is now highly visible. As a side note, a series of such images were used to aid neurosurgeons at the University of Utah Medical Center, in planning surgical strategies (Gordon Kindlmann and Peter-Pike Sloan).
Volume rendering of simulated flow around a submarine fairwater (Nelson Max, data courtesy of Mark Christon).
One hundred twenty three thousand convex polyhedra comprising a pyramidal wing dataset (Nelson Max).
This visualization illustrates a moment from a simulation of epilepsy occuring within the temporal lobe of the brain. The figure shows the electrical current densities throughout the head/brain at one instant of time. Red indicates areas of high electrical current while blue indicates regions of significantly less electrical current. Such visualizations aid researchers in localizing the source of an epileptic seizure (David Weinstein and Chris Johnson).
This figure depicts the visualization of electric voltage on the surface of the brain (top) and surface of the scalp (bottom) from a simulation in which the patient was given a sensory input (such as the sight of a particular number or shape) meant to excite a particular part of the brain. Here, red indicates positive voltage and blue indicates negative voltage. The green areas indicate voltages of approximately zero. The visualizations of the voltages on the surface of the cortex (brain) were computed by an inverse method that uses a set of high resolution EEGs and the geometry of a specific patient's head and brain from MRI scans as input. Such visualizations aid researchers in understanding fundamental aspects of brain electrophysiology that can lead to a better understanding of mental abnormalities and such thought processes as language use and reasoning (David Weinstein).
This figure illustrates the voltage distribution of a body surface potential map (BSPM) on the right. The torso on the left has been opened to reveal electrical current paths within the torso volume at one instant in time within a heart beat. Here again, red indicates positive voltage, blue indicates negative voltage, and green indicates voltages of approximately zero (Chris Johnson, Rob MacLeod, and Mike Matheson).
This is a graphical representation of the geometry and electrical current flow in a model of the human thorax. The model was created from MRI images taken of an actual patient. Shown are segments of the body surface, the heart, and lungs. The colored loops represent the flow of electric current through the thorax for a single instant in time, computed from voltages recorded from the surface of the heart during open chest surgery. This visualization presented particular challenges because of the complexities of the three-dimensional voltage loops (Chris Johnson, Rob MacLeod, and Mike Matheson).