Note: On this page, I will post a stream of HW problems. If you spot typos/clarifications, please ask! The same holds if you do not understand some notation.
(i) Prove that
(ii) Give an example where equality occurs.
As we proved in the class the recurrence relation for the expected runtime of QuickSort is as below (and the base case is
[Hint: Prove an intermediate step that
The goal of this exercise is to show that non-negativity is required for Markov's inequality. Concretely, give an example of a random variable
Suppose we take the numbers
[Hint: Define random variables
(a) Prove the following probability statement: let
(Optional) A set of
start with C = emptyset
for i = 1, 2, ..., 2N:
set s_i = random n-bit string
if d(s_i, s_j) < n/4 for some j<i, discard s_i;
else, add s_i to C
return S
[Hint: whenever
This completes HW 1. It is due on Wednesday, February 7 (11:59). If you need more time, please ask by email at least 1 day before the deadline.
The key property of convex functions over a convex domain (used in most optimization algorithms) is that a local minimum is also a global minimum. This condition can be stated in many ways, and here's one. Let
(Hint. Recall that one definition of convexity is that for all
Another nice property of a convex function
(Hint. Geometrically, if you draw a line through any point
Linear classifiers (passing through the origin) are probably the most classic models in machine learning. Given a set of points
Solve the problem of finding such a
Recall the LP relaxation for the set-cover problem, where we had
Recall the linear program we saw in class for the facility location problem. Suppose the clients are numbered
We also imposed the constraint
Use this observation to analyze the following randomized rounding procedure: for all
(a) Prove that for every client
This completes HW 2. It is due on Wednesday, March 13 (11:59). If you need more time, please ask by email at least 1 day before the deadline.