6 Defining Hygiene
Most previous work on hygiene has focused on expansion algorithms, but some work addresses the question of what hygiene means independent of a particular algorithm. In his dissertation, Herman (2008) addresses the question through a type system that constrains and exposes the binding structure of macro expansions, so that α-renaming can be applied to unexpanded programs. More recently, Adams (2015) defines hygienic macro-expansion steps as obeying invariants that are expressed in terms of renaming via nominal logic (Pitts 2003), and the concept of equivariance plays an important role in characterizing hygienic macro transformers.
Since our notion of binding is based on scope sets instead of renaming, previous work on defining hygiene via renaming does not map directly into our setting. A related obstacle is that our model transforms a syntax object to a syntax object, instead of directly producing an AST; that difference is necessary to support local and partial expansion, which in turn is needed for definition contexts. A more technical obstacle is that we have specified expansion in terms of a meta-function (i.e., a big-step semantics) instead of as a rewriting system (i.e., a small-step semantics).
Adams’s approach to defining hygiene nevertheless seems applicable to our notion of binding. We leave a full exploration for future work, but we can offer an informed guess about how that exploration will turn out.
Although our model of expansion does not incorporate renaming as a
core concept, if we make assumptions similar to Adams (including
omitting the quote form), then a renaming property seems
useful and within reach. For a given set of scopes and a point during
expansion (exclusive of macro invocations), the symbol can be
swapped in every identifier that has a superset of the given set of
scopes; such a swap matches the programmer’s intuition that any
variable can be consistently renamed within a binding region, which
corresponds to a set of scopes. Hygienic expansion then means that the
of the continued expansion after swapping is
α-equivalent to what it would be without swapping. An individual
transformer could be classified as hygienic based on all introduced
identifiers having a fresh scope, so that they cannot bind any
non-introduced identifiers; the fresh scope ensures an analog to
Adams’s equivariance with respect to binders.
Note that swapping x with y for the scope set {adef, bintro1} would not produce an equivalent program for the expansion in Ambiguous References, because it would convert an ambiguous reference x{adef, bintro1, cintro2} to an unambiguous y{adef, bintro1, cintro2}. This failure should not suggest that the pattern-matching macros in that example are non-hygienic in themselves, but that the (implicit) definition-context macro is potentially non-hygienic. That is, a macro in a definition context can introduce an identifier that is captured at the macro-use site, since the definition and use sites can be the same. That potential for non-hygienic expansion appears to be one of the trade-offs of providing a context that allows a mixture of mutually recursive macro and variable definitions.
If macro bindings are constrained to letrec-syntax, and if macro implementations are constrained use syntax-case, free-identifier=?, and syntax->datum (not bound-identifier=? or datum->syntax), then we expect that all expansion steps will be provably hygienic and all macro transformers will be provably hygienic by the definitions sketched above.