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java.lang.Object | +----utah.npm.core.IPC
Summary |
public final class IPC extends java.lang.Object { // Fields 10 public static final int RC_ACK_DISCONNECTED; public static final int RC_CONNECT_INVALIDDEST; public static final int RC_OK; public static final int RC_OVER_DISCONNECTED; public static final int RC_RECV_DISCONNECTED; public static final int RC_RECV_MOREDATA; public static final int RC_RECV_MOREOBJS; public static final int RC_RECV_MOREREFS; public static final int RC_RECV_REVERSED; public static final int RC_SEND_DISCONNECTED; // Methods 22 public static final int clientAckSend(IPCPayload); public static final int clientAckSendOverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final int clientAlert(); public static final int clientConnectSend(Reference, IPCPayload); public static final int clientConnectSendOverReceive(Reference, IPCPayload); public static final int clientDisconnect(); public static final int clientOverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final int clientReceive(IPCPayload); public static final int clientSend(IPCPayload); public static final int clientSendOverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final int serverAckSend(IPCPayload); public static final int serverAckSendOverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final void serverAckSendWaitReceive(IPCPayload, IPCWaitReceiveReturn); public static final int serverAlert(); public static final int serverDisconnect(); public static final int serverOverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final int serverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final int serverSend(IPCPayload); public static final int serverSendOverReceive(IPCPayload); public static final void serverSendWaitReceive(IPCPayload, IPCWaitReceiveReturn); public static final void serverSetupWaitReceive(IPCPayload, PortSet, IPCWaitReceiveReturn); public static final void serverWaitReceive(IPCPayload, IPCWaitReceiveReturn); }
The "user-visible" IPC API. This class is not instantiable and only has static final methods in it. The IPC semantics are those described in the Fluke documentation. There are separate client and server interfaces. Generally, the "server" is the thread that waits for connections, and the "client" is the one that initiates a request. Connections are established from a "port reference" to a "port". Connections are half-duplex and reversible. Under the hood, all of the IPC operations (beyond establishing the connection) are operations on the per-thread IPC state. All of the operations return an integer status code to indicate the state of the operation (success, or the specific sort of failure).
See Also: Port, Reference, ThreadIPC;
Fields |
· RC_OK | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_OK
Return code used to indicate success in the operation.
public static final int RC_CONNECT_INVALIDDEST
Return code used to indicate that the port the client tried to connect to was destroyed.
· RC_ACK_DISCONNECTED | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_ACK_DISCONNECTED
Return code used to indicate a disconnection during the current thread's ACK phase of its current IPC call.
· RC_SEND_DISCONNECTED | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_SEND_DISCONNECTED
Return code used to indicate a disconnection during the current thread's SEND phase of its current IPC call.
· RC_OVER_DISCONNECTED | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_OVER_DISCONNECTED
Return code used to indicate a disconnection during the current thread' OVER phase of its current IPC call.
· RC_RECV_DISCONNECTED | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_RECV_DISCONNECTED
Return code used to indicate a disconnection during the current thread's RECV phase if its current IPC call.
· RC_RECV_MOREDATA | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_RECV_MOREDATA
Return code used to indicate the current thread does not have enough allocated IPC buffer space for the sender's data. What data could fit in the the current thread's receive buffer has been transferred.
See Also: IPCPayload
· RC_RECV_MOREREFS | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_RECV_MOREREFS
Return code used to indicate the current thread does not have enough allocated IPC buffer space for the sender's references. What data could fit in the the current thread's receive buffer has been transferred.
See Also: IPCPayload
· RC_RECV_MOREOBJS | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_RECV_MOREOBJS
Return code used to indicate the current thread does not have enough allocate IPC buffer space for the sender's raw object references. What data could fit in the the current thread's receive buffer has been transferred.
See Also: IPCPayload
· RC_RECV_REVERSED | Summary | Top |
public static final int RC_RECV_REVERSED
Return code used to indicate the current thread's receive operation completed and the connection was reversed before returning to the caller. This return code does not (generally) indicate an error and ususually means the sender transferred all of its data and reversed the connection in anticipation of receving a reply.
See Also: IPCPayload
Methods |
· clientConnectSend | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientConnectSend(Reference destPortRef, IPCPayload payload)
Perform a connect to the provided port and send the provided payload to a waiting server. If no server is currently available this call blocks until one is. The current thread's (hidden) client state will be setup to reflect this connection.
Parameter Description destPortRef a Reference to a Port to rendezvous at with a server thread payload the payload to send to the server thread
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientAckSend | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientAckSend(IPCPayload payload)
Reverse the current thread's connection with a sever and send the provided payload. The client must have previously established the connection with a server thread.
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected server thread.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientSend | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientSend(IPCPayload payload)
Send data on the current thread's connection with a server. Does not reverse the connection or wakeup the server (unless the server's buffers are full.)
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected server thread.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientConnectSendOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientConnectSendOverReceive(Reference destPortRef, IPCPayload payload)
Connect the current thread to a server through the provided port reference, send the payload data, reverse the connection, wait for, and receive a response from the server. In the payload, the send and recive buffers can be the same actual buffer.
Parameter Description destPortRef a reference to a port to rendezvous at with a server thread. payload the payload to send to the connected server thread and to recieve a reply into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientAckSendOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientAckSendOverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Reverse the current thread's connection to a server, send a request, and wait for and receive a reply. In the payload, the send and receive buffers can be teh same actual buffer.
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected server thread and to receive a reply into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientSendOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientSendOverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Send a request to the current thread's server, reverse the connection, wait for and receive a reply. In the payload, the send and receive buffers can be teh same actual buffer.
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected server thread and to receive a reply into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientOverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Reverse the current thread's server connection and wait for and receive a reply.
Parameter Description payload the payload to receive the server's reply into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Receive more data from the current thread's server.
Parameter Description payload the payload to receive the data from the server into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientDisconnect | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientDisconnect()
Disconnect the current thread's connection to its server.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· clientAlert | Summary | Top |
public static final int clientAlert()
Send an alert to the current threads server thread. TODO: Not implemented.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· serverAckSend | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverAckSend(IPCPayload payload)
Reverse the current thread's connection to a client and send a reply.
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected client thread.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· serverSend | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverSend(IPCPayload payload)
Send a reply to the current thread's client.
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected client thread.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· serverAckSendWaitReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final void serverAckSendWaitReceive(IPCPayload payload, IPCWaitReceiveReturn out_rc)
Reverse the direction of the current thread's connection to its client, send a reply and wait for a new request
from any client . (There is an implicit disconnect from the client thread). To maintain the connection with the current client use serverAckSendOverReceive().
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected client thread and receive a new request into out_rc (output) the integer return code describing the state of the connection and (if a new connection was established) the port alias of the port the new client thread connected on.
See Also: serverAckSendOverReceive
· serverAckSendOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverAckSendOverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Reverse the direction of the current thread's connection to its client, send a reply and wait for a new request
from this client . To wait for and connect to a new client thread after sending this reply, use serverAckSendWaitReceive().
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected client thread and receive its next request into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
See Also: serverAckSendWaitReceive
· serverSetupWaitReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final void serverSetupWaitReceive(IPCPayload payload, PortSet pset, IPCWaitReceiveReturn out_rc)
Setup the current thread as a server on the provided PortSet and wait for new client connections on any Port in that PortSet.
Parameter Description payload the payload to receive a new client's request into. pset the set of port objects this thread will accept connection on. out_rc (output) the integer return code describing the state of the connection and (if a new connection was established) the port alias of the port the new client thread connected on.
· serverWaitReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final void serverWaitReceive(IPCPayload payload, IPCWaitReceiveReturn out_rc)
The current thread will wait for new client threads on its implied port set (from the previous call to serverSetupWaitReceive().
Parameter Description payload the payload to receive a new client's request into out_rc (output) the integer return code describing the state of the connection and (if a new connection was established) the port alias of the port the new client thread connected on.
See Also: serverSetupWaitReceive
· serverSendWaitReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final void serverSendWaitReceive(IPCPayload payload, IPCWaitReceiveReturn out_rc)
Send a reply to the current thread's client, disconnect and wait for a new client connection on the current thread's implied PortSet (from its previous call to serverSetupWaitReceive()). To maintain the connection with the current client use serverSendOverReceive()
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the client and receive a new client's request into out_rc (output) the integer return code describing the state of the connection and (if a new connection was established) the port alias of the port the new client thread connected on.
See Also: serverSetupWaitReceive, serverSendOverReceive
· serverSendOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverSendOverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Send a reply to the current thread's client, reverse the direction of the connection and wait for a new request
from the same client . To disconnect from the current client and wait for a new request from any client connecting to the current thread's implied PortSet, use serverSendWaitReceive().
Parameter Description payload the payload to send to the connected client thread and receive its next request into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
See Also: serverSendWaitReceive
· serverOverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverOverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Reverse the direction of the current thread's client connection and wait for a new request from that client.
Parameter Description payload the payload to receive the client next request into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· serverReceive | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverReceive(IPCPayload payload)
Receive more data from the current thread's client thread.
Parameter Description payload the payload to receive more data from the client into
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection
· serverDisconnect | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverDisconnect()
Disconnect the current thread from its client.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
· serverAlert | Summary | Top |
public static final int serverAlert()
Send an alert to the current thread's client thread. TODO: Not implemented yet.
- Returns:
- an integer return code describing the state of the connection.
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